Okay, I have to follow up to myself, because it's getting a bit tiring to explain this over twitter again and again. This is not a charity. This is not sucking up to some internet personality, because we think he can't be bothered to pay for his own trip. This is, in fact, not even any kind of funding through EF. I'm just posting this here because this is a place where many people will actually find it.
Let's set some facts straight:
1) The rationale is, that we're getting a lot ... and I really mean a LOT of requests to bring his show to EF. There are very few cases where there is such a high public demand - and Two has always supported EF. So we see absolutely no reason why we should not offer him our stage.
2) In order to make that show happen, he needs to be physically transported to our country

This costs more money than he has. He simply can't come. The usual consequence would be, that he would not be able to perform at EF. Still, people want to see his show, and ask us to make it happen. So what do we do?
3) We know that Two's a guy who tends to polarize the crowd. You either love him, or hate him. We could easily fund him from our own budget. However, that would violate our own principle of how we choose our Guests of Honour. And secondly we totally acknowledge the fact, that many people would rather gnaw their own leg off than pay a single cent to support Two. So we do not finance his appearance from your con fee. Eurofurence is not even involved. The donations go directly from fans to the artist. It does not get more honest than that. It does not get more fair than that. Nothing is forced on anybody. If you don't donate, and you don't attend the show ... nothing is being taken from you.
To those sending me emails like "Can I donate 50 Euros so Two can stay home?": Stick your bloody greed where the sun don't shine! If you don't agree with fans supporting an artist they like, you disagree with the foundation of this very community, and you deserve to live forever alone with no friends. And no matter how much you stomp your feet and throw a tantrum, this is not the toy section at walmart, and I'm not your mom, if you want to have something your way, you'd better have a more rational point than "That guy doesn't deserve to be popular because he sucks."
P.S.: I actually have to apologize to Uncle Kage and Two, because they specifically asked me to only post this on the German forums, because, for some reason, Germans tend to be a lot less self-obsessed and greedy than their reputation might make you think, and tend to raise much less of a stink. However, I decided that I want to give all supporters a chance to contribute, and not leave this on the shoulders of a minority.