Although I did not see anything of those behaviours you told about, I think it is a very fine gesture from you to apology and showing how much you care.
I am really sorry you apologized that often in public now, and somehow there was no real feedback. But I think it's just the usual laziness, and not because people are mad with you now.
We love to see you at EF, and I couldn't imagine a Eurofurence without you any more.
There are so many positive and amazing things you were part of, you brought so much joy to the people... I think that counts much more than 1 or 2 things that were... well, maybe not that gentleman-like. I think that happens to everyone of us sometimes (...only if you're popular, people will put much more attention to it...).
I hope there will never be a Eurofurence without you.
Thanks for the apology and caring. And I think I can speak for the whole core team, that we always want to have you at EF.