hey everyone!
wanted to elaborate a bit on what i'm doing material wise for this year.
last year, i discovered that writing melodies and doing production work
live and on the spot isn't as straightforward as it would seem! so, this
year, i'm showing up with a small handful of already-finished tracks
that i can tease apart and deconstruct. perhaps will bring along some
snippets and do little bits of extension and fleshing out.
some big stuff i want to cover, though, are some more of the interesting
fundamentals. in particular, the relationship between sine waves,
waveforms, time domain and frequency domain, FFTs, etc. some light
signal processing intro stuff since i think it can really offer some new
creative pathways. going to try and explain a bunch of kinda-mathy stuff
without advanced math! but i've got sound examples for everything.
anything in particular else anybody wants covered? want to make a point
to treat vocal mixdowns (as was brought up last year).