Just wanted to confirm to you guys that the snack exchange is a go! Just like the last couple of years I don't have much time to prepare but so far this has never been needed as you guys just rocked the house with your snacks!
The same rules apply as the last couple of years:
- Taking your own snacks is optional but highly apreciated as you guys make the event happen!
- Don't take anything:
- Illegal
- Too smelly
- Too high in alcohol (we are not there to get drunk)
- Too big, try bring stuff you can divide in small pieces.
I'll try to bring stuff like cups, plates and napkins but any addition from you guys is apreciated as I'm not sure how many will come!
Also if you are bringing something have a look at the awesome idea of Henrieke and print out one of those cards with the country flag and snack on it!
Hope to see you all at EF! You all rock!