Now that I've got your Buzzfeed-whoring attention, hello.

It's two weeks or whatever to the con, and here's a few things that you might want to know.
1) Facilities in the vicinityAs it has been reiterated countless times, the Estrel Hotel pretty much is in the middle of... nowhere particular, really.
However, there are a few places for essential items a 5-minute walk down the street in the Neukölln Carree mini-mall.
As far as the munchies go, there's a McDonald's over at Sonnenallee 254.
The thing's open til late Sunday to Thursday, and around the clock on Friday and Saturday.
Nearest food shops are E Reichelt, Grenzallee 4 - 6, which is open every day until 22:00, and Aldi, Grenzallee 4 L, which closes at 20:00.
2) Internet and all that junkThe Estrel does have a Wi-Fi service that is free to residents, so you probably don't need to bother if you're not going to leave the hotel anyways. Also, most European mobile providers now have at least half-decent data roaming packages available. It doesn't hurt to check in advance. Also, it's probably a good idea to switch off your voicemail before you leave your country.
In case you still desire a local phone card of your own, try Aldi Talk. It's one of the few virtual network operators that don't moan about activation a lot (it's why I don't recommend Fonic anymore, they send out actual physical activation letters by now) and you can get the card going in 4 to 6 hours.
If you can connect to the hotel wifi to fill out the form, that is...
3) Drugs, Drugs, DrugsRemember to get any prescription medications refilled before you leave home. The EF medics will be unable to dispense medication, so if you require over-the-counter meds, the nearest pharmacy is Sonnenblumen-Apotheke in the Neukölln Carree minimall, which closes at 18:30. For out-of-hours services or if you require to see a physician in non-urgent cases, kindly refer to the hotel reception, they keep a list. (Also, a little personal tip - there's a 24 hour pharmacy in Berlin Hauptbahnhof. It's a bit of a trek though.)
4) Berlin and all that junkWe have a 24 hour Metrobus line going right past the hotel that travels every 5-10 minutes during daytime and every 30 minutes at night. Use it, it's better than walking! (especially in Neukölln at night)
If you fancy some sightseeing, it's also a good idea to buy a
Berlin Welcome Card, as that one gives you both access to free transportation and discounts on tourist attractions. It can be purchased at tourist information points on both airports, all major train stations and ticket machines.
That's all! You didn't really expect ten points, did you? This isn't Buzzfeed after all.