The new hotel is really great and people there are really nice! And they have damn fast elevators, my poor brain x.x
On the first day we noticed that our shower was broken. Water came out of the faucet and shower head at the same time. After telling them on the next day it got fixed really fast

Well, we still missed some water pressure after that. Not sure if it's supposed to be like that oO
And I noticed that their tapwater tastes like.. complete nothing. I know water is supposed to taste like nothing, but you know what I mean. That's so weird. Didn't enjoy drinking it
Scramble for room key.. yeah.. these things need holes from the beginning. And wing 1 elevator 2 didn't like mine actually xD
And our room refused to open after we arrived.. Then hotel staff tried and it opened.. Very funny, door.
But it's so awesome that they made EF roomkeys!
Regarding the food: Breakfast tasty like at home! And empty plates disappeared when looking away for a second! Such magic!
But restaurant food was far out of my pay range. I have to look at my money. We just had the Barbecue on Wednesday and.. it wasn't actually worth all the waiting and price. I'm sorry to say that.
For the next days we were hunting Pizza, McDo, other small things and sausages made hot in the sink (After cleaning it from soap etc.)
What I would like to see changed: Open the staircase. I know they were closed because of safety resons. But why waiting ages for the elevator if you can walk up in a few seconds?
And I myself don't like riding elevators, they make me feel uncomfortable.
Why was there always a strange smell of food on the groud floor in wing 1? oO
Now Berlin needs to make everything beautiful around the hotel! xD
I wouldn't dare to run around alone at night outside o_o"