A big round of applause for the lounge team: you guys rock

- I always and in any occasion felt well taken care of, and like le tigre I also had the notion that the staff was cleaning and resupplying faster than I could consume and waste

- The trees I found quite usefull as well: I did not get a free space on a table to put stuff down when I changed, so I used the "pots" instead

- A triple plus for the private fursuiter balcony, I enjoyed that very much...
- Furthermore, the ferbreeze refreshing station! Outstanding, really really nice
- Also, I had the feeling that security worked much better this year, in terms of "fursuiters only".
My only point of critique goes to some fellow suiters: blocking the dryers with
lycra is just fu***** anoying for others who want to dry their suit and do not have a spot left

! Honestly guys, this is an absolute no go!
Lycra drys quick enough to be stored on hangers on the sides of the blowers/the coat racks/the extra lycra stand in front of the blower (which was there this year)!!! If it is not quick enough for you taste, bring a second set. To come back from the parade and find @ 5 spots blocked by pants and shirts blowing lazyly in the wind just made me really
angry unhappy.
So for next year: please do not be an arse and quit this egoistic behaviour. Remember that there are 700 of us!!! Thanks!