*smirks, then cuts the FIA logo out of Klaatus shirt - then sews a fursuit service tag in*
You are now fursuit support, not security. We don't say "It is not permitted to leave your head on the dryer!", we say "Yes, we kindly ask you to make room for other peoples heads and suits as soon as possible, and strongly suggest on checking on your head regularly."

(Hm, though thinking about it, I could see a "wall of shame" acrylic closet, where all the dry suits go that were left on the blowers for too long, and people have to donate 20 bucks each time to get them back.

PS: can you told me the spray name to clean and kill bacteria? I'm looking for it in Italy
As Klaatu said correctly, Sagrotan is a good brand for surfeace desinfactants, and we are using the textile/fabric version.
His answer about Febreeze though, unfortunately is incorrect.
Febreeze usually is a textile freshener that binds smells to macro molecules in the liquid, and usually has some scent/perfumes in it, and is generally not antibacterial.
At Eurofurence we use a DIFFERENT, less known version.
Febreeze against animal odors (how fitting

), which has
NO added perfumes, but IS antibacterial.-The main point: with the massive raising of fursuiters in the last years, the drying spots for bodies, heads and gloves seems to be not enough now.
Thanks a lot for your input and your kind words.
Regarding this one point in your list, I wholeheartedly invite you to help us with a solution. To my knowledge Eurofurence is the convention that started the entire fursuit-dryer thing and has grown the lounge ever since. Actually it's the largest hall besides the artshow and the stage. With almost 1000 suiters at EF, there is a certain logistic problem: Would you volunteer to pay us about 35.000 Euro extra, so we can rent the large congress hall as lounge, the high power blowers, buy piping system for several hundred suits, pay the electrical bill, and not to forget a few hundred hours of volunteer manpower to set everything up ? If your answer is yes: Welcome to the team.
Privacy - finding out that from the lift area for my room that I can see right in to the lounge, and that some rooms even look directly in was a bit off-putting for me
Heh, I was literally waiting for this one.

As surpring as it may sound: Yes, even Eurofurence staff realises that glass has a tendency to be see through, and that a roof made of this material will happen to be the same. But unless you want to rent another hall, that is located on the other end of the location, 5 minutes away from rooms, lobby and most importantly stage and dances... you're pretty much out of options against this problem.
We do know that this doesn't make everyone happy. However, as we also know, at this size of event is it impossible to even try to make everyone happy. My team will always go for what makes the most people happy while making the least people unhappy.
You did the right thing:
If you feel uncomfortable inside the lounge, or are concerned about your privacy: Don't use it, and change and refresh in your hotel room. That's prefectly fine and reasonable.
Other than that, Eurofurence keeps growing and every new year may bring new challenges, new opportunities, and new locations. *hint*