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Eurofurence 29 — "Space Expedition"
Sep 3 — 6, 2025
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg


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Author Topic: EF20 Charity Result - We can't stop donating, this is bat country! (updated)  (Read 36685 times)


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***update*** - After the final bank and coin counting results - I am even more happy to correct the previous result:
We broke the 21k! The final amount sent to Stiftung Fledermaus was 21.081 EUR!!! :D
(16.370 EUR in bills, 4.711 EUR in coins)

On behalf of the Eurofurence Charity team, I am most happy to announce the final result for our EF20 Charity "Stiftung FLEDERMAUS"! :)

Thank you to every single one of you for your big generosity and donations! You proved once again that Furries are an outstanding crowd of charitable, caring people, and that we can make a big difference in this world! :) If you're looking up to the sky at night and see a bat - remember that this little creature might be alive because of your help! So thank you from all our heart!

Thank you all so much for your efforts (especially the hard-working Charity team), every single donor (both money and items/art), the artists/musicians/technicians of the charity concert, additional donations from the Pawpet Show soundtrack sales, participants and hosts of the charity poker tournament, the charity fursuiters, everybody involved in creating and hosting charity related events, the lovely lottery booth, the decoration and adorable artwork, the Art Show and Charity Auction handling, and every single one who contributed to our amazing result in any possible way! (I am afraid I'll miss anybody if I start listing names - thank you all so much, you know who you are!)

Thank you KhakiDoggy for the awesome photo used for the announcement photo! All credits given. :)

« Last Edit: 04.09.2014, 11:38:05 by TaniDaReal »


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WEEEEEE go us!!!!

Thank you to everyone who donated! You should all be proud of yourselves, you helped save disappearing species!

Thank you to the entire charity team, you have all worked so hard and done so well. It is amazing to see how creative and hard working you all are because you truly believe in the cause. I have the utmost respect and admiration for every single one of you.

And those feelings also goes for everyone who donated. You care about the world around you, you are doing something, you are making this world a better place. You should all be so proud of yourselves. Furries are amazing, they give selflessly and change the world for the better.

« Last Edit: 29.08.2014, 15:21:53 by Pinky »
And so I say the things I say
And do the things I do
And if you do not like it, then
To hell, my dear, with you


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~10 Euros per attendee? That's an INCREDIBLE amount! Wow!  :o

Congrats to everyone involved, especially Stiftung Fledermaus themselves. And thanks to everyone who donated!
Elämä on epävarmaa - syö jälkiruoka ensin!

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Damn, thats a lot of Money! Awesome, now lets hope we make a difference!!

Fafnir Kristensen

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~10 Euros per attendee? That's an INCREDIBLE amount! Wow!  :o
last year it was 14 per attendee
thats a bit of a drop actually
but then Oncle Kage wasnt in the charity booth getting paid to drink&draw, im pretty sure that makes all the difference :DDDD
« Last Edit: 29.08.2014, 20:40:52 by Fafnir Kristensen »


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last year it was 14 per attendee
thats a bit of a drop actually

I'm pretty sure that the steep hotel prices combined with the lack of alternatives within walking distance are the main contributing factor to that. I don't think many attendees had more budget than last year and id got eaten up somewhere other than charity. Considering that, it is quite an awesome result and nothing to be ashamed of!
Also, the lack of otter-noses might have caused some less money for charity :P

Fafnir Kristensen

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ah otter noses, that bring back memories :D

Santa fox

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Congratulations, certainly not a bad number.

Though, as mentioned earlier, I suspect a distinctive lack of otter noses might have contributed to a slight decrease in overall donations.. :p


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Now we Wanna see the uncle Kate ice bucket challenge as he promised xD


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Wow, that means that after the last annoucement +4000 € have been additionally donated. Very nice ;)


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Now we Wanna see the uncle Kate ice bucket challenge as he promised xD

You mean this one maybe?


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he did it!!! I missed it xD


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Awesome feat that the Charity team pulled off again this year and everyone who donated, makes me so proud to be in a fandom, that cares about the things happening beside them.
And about the otter noses, hehe yeah, would be cool to see them again next year - and as an ottersuiter I would love to help with the charity sale too with otterhugs :3


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Because obvious reasons, I liked this year charity very much :)

I was very much hoping it to go over 20k, and it did! *yay*

*happy bat*


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Really really nice.
BTW did that gentlemen from Stiftung FLEDERMAUS mention they where going to try and get 5 euros for every euro donated?

Could you keep us posted on that. If they pull that off. That will be quite the news :-3
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