Yeah it sucks.
He's giving me all the shit...I once almust burst out calling him a hypocrit in his face...But I managed to bite my tongue in time.
We have some boxes we have the vegetables in, and we usaly wash them.
Well, now, for at least sex times I've gone to work, -I- need to wash them, even if it's HIS job..and then he bitch at me when I forgot ONE box because I am closing the shop up..And I once left an under half garbadge-can (Which he said from his own lips, under half we can leave it)..I was yelled at and almost lost my job...Sure, I worked two days...Get on in the morning, my boss had the night-shift, I walk in and see the garbadge can FILLED UP and some shit was even on the floor.
and like, without notifying me at -all- he had put me up on some hours...And when a friend called me and said why I wasn't on work, I told him...and then hurried down..He ran around calling me a retard, dumb dip-shit and whatnot because -I- hadn't called HIM...Wtf...It's HE who's calling ME when he puts my hours up...
It aggrivates me -a lot-