My god Liam,that would be awesome
Thanks a lot for preparing the place last year !
Also I am willing to do art for the event (like a smaller poster to the lobby),or even buttons for the partipicating furs,which will be given to them after the introducing. About the buttons idea...uh. Would need help with the main picture,soo It would be a shared idea,not just mine and everyone would like it. Also the second,bigger problem is,I can do the picture,can also print it,but I don't have a machine which can create those things. I think I can buy blank buttons from Ebay,but I can't push them together into the finished product.
Anyway,that was just an idea to make the event a bit more colorful :3 I'm just trying to help a bit,I would need your opinions about this
It would be very cool ff you could create a poster for an additional announcement 
About the buttons - if we get a picture to put on them I can probably make the buttons. I know someone who has a button machine and will also very likely be at the event 
Awesome ! OwO Okay,well not now (I have several comissions),but I'll get to it one or two months before the con. I'll do it traditionally and send the digital version to anyone who needs it for printing etc...also that's neat Liam,I'm glad that's a starting point at least.
For now I was thinking to get the shared idea for the buttons and the poster,because I want people to participate,I have pretty creative ideas,but this will be OUR little thing to create. For the button,I was thinking something simple tough,like a changing paw or a growing muzzle...can be two versions too,like a canine or a hoofed donkey or something,also giving it a bit of text like "Transformation panel - Eurofurence 22" :3 For the poster something simple too. Like two characters chasing each other,or changing without backround or with a simple backround...and adding some silly texts to invite people in. (We'll make up that part too :3)
Answer me with your ideas guys,I would be happy to give them a try