Translation of my last Posting (With a little Help from Jorinda. Thankies!!

In my opinion, the success of this event was not only because there was no other event that night, but because the music is so different to the music played at Fursuit Friendly Dance and Big Blue Dance. So it was an alternative for those who don't like the music at Fursuit Friendly Dance and Big Blue Dance so much. At least that was my impression.
*g* Das lustige ist, ich hatte vor der EF 20 immer mal wieder in meiner Phantasie den Wunsch mit Furrys (ob mit oder ohne Suit) zu dem Song: Talking Heads:"ROAD TO NOWHERE" eine Polonaise zu machen. *lol* Und als der Song dann kam, griff ich mir den nächst besten und los gings. Und die weitaus meisten haben mitgemacht. Yeah!!!

My own translation:
*g*The funny thing is, I had before the EF 20, from time to time in my imagination the desire to make with furrys (with or without suit), to the song "ROAD TO NOWHERE" by the Talking Heads, a polonaise.
* lol * And when the song came, I grabbed the nearest and lets go !.
And almost all people have danced with.
Yeah !!!

(Ist meine eigene Übersetzung verständlich und relativ gut gelungen? Ich hoffe es.)