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Author Topic: Eurofurries Nexus vaults  (Read 8949 times)


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Eurofurries Nexus vaults
« on: 17.02.2015, 11:06:33 »

Good morning everybody!

Cheetah has asked me to grab a copy of this and put it here. Thanks to an unrelated Google search I've recently come across the old Eurofurries Nexus and its message board on FurryMUCK. As far as EF history is concerned, it barely gets any more vintage than this. After all, EF1 was quintessentially an attempt at a European users' meeting of that very MU*.

So here's some of the oldest stuff we can get, raw and unfiltered. Some of it may seem strange in this day and age, but keep in mind that some of the posts there were written when the internet was still a thing limited to academia and generally unknown to the general public. FurryMUCK turns 23 years old this year and is still running on the same code base, so thank its creators for keeping that place alive. At the time, it probably was running on a modem line dialing in to some university from someone's garage or being kept under someone's bed in their student dormitory...

I've left out the posts after 2005, as they're only about unci's own furmeet in Austria and don't have any significant historical relevance concerning Eurofurence.

For those of you unfamiliar with MU* lingo, a "toaded player" is someone who's had their account purged either due to inactivity or asking one of the admins (called "wizards"). It'd literally turn your character into a toad NPC, hence the name.

And before someone complains about the personal data some people have put in there..... I don't think _any_ e-mail or postal addresses are still valid. ;)


You feel a wrenching sensation...
Meeting place for european furries(#79570RLJ)
This room is square, about 8 by 8 metres. The furniture looks as if
newly bought from Ikea and just assembled - some armchairs around
a couch table with maps and calendars lying around. On the wall you
can see a large message board with discussions about European furry
gatherings, and a large map of Europe next to it. The only exit is
to the east. where it leads to a dark tunnel.
European furries message board
You found one penny!
1) unci  1052 weeks ago -- how ta use da message board *purrpurr!*
2) unci  971 weeks ago -- 34 British furries
3) unci  971 weeks ago -- 6 Danish furries
4) unci  1029 weeks ago -- 5 Dutch furries
5) unci  983 weeks ago -- 9 Finnish furries
6) unci  895 weeks ago -- 20 German furries
7) unci  971 weeks ago -- 7 Swedish furries
8) unci  1048 weeks ago -- 1 Swiss furry
9) unci  971 weeks ago -- 2 Spanish furries
10) unci  971 weeks ago -- 2 Norwegian furries
11) (Toaded Player)  1022 weeks ago -- EuroFURries' Mailing List now open!
12) (Toaded Player)  1000 weeks ago -- Fur Scene issue 5
13) (Toaded Player)  988 weeks ago -- AvalonUK muck
14) (Toaded Player)  984 weeks ago -- Another German furry -- Hi all.
15) (Toaded Player)  972 weeks ago -- Address Change...
16) unci  957 weeks ago -- unci's new address
17) Prask  937 weeks ago -- Furry Gathering in England
18) Kazuko  937 weeks ago -- THe Other Furry Gathering in England - May.
19) (Toaded Player)  918 weeks ago -- Need a home?
20) Fionacat  907 weeks ago -- New Scottish Furry
21) Eozarth  907 weeks ago -- Just sayin' Hi :)
22) Bailiff  907 weeks ago -- Visit the USS Providence today!  :)
23) From  902 weeks ago -- Yorkfurs?
24) Eozarth  901 weeks ago -- UK Furries?
25) unci  900 weeks ago -- new proposal for EuroFurence 4 of 1998
26) Fionacat  893 weeks ago -- Proposal fur EF4
27) Yip  873 weeks ago -- Another Norwegian!
28) unci  861 weeks ago -- EuroFurence 5 date survey
29) (Toaded Player)  829 weeks ago -- message
30) Sophie  798 weeks ago -- German inflateable doll in search of other germans
31) Bailiff  794 weeks ago -- Looking for Dag - missing fur!
32) Bearhug  602 weeks ago -- Lifesign in this dusty cave?
33) unci  583 weeks ago -- Lifesign
34) unci  561 weeks ago -- Furry convention in the Alps
35) Ulvepote  557 weeks ago -- Update on a dane.
36) (Toaded Player)  545 weeks ago -- Hello
37) Jock_MacWallaby  545 weeks ago -- Update on finns
38) doco  533 weeks ago -- Eurofurence help available.
39) doco  531 weeks ago -- Eurofurence 2005
40) doco  527 weeks ago -- European Furry History project
41) unci  512 weeks ago -- FurryAlpin 2005
42) unci  267 weeks ago -- Lakeside Furs 4 (Zell am See, Austria)
43) unci  218 weeks ago -- Lakeside Furs 5 (Zell am See, Austria
44) unci  108 weeks ago -- Lakeside Furs 7 (Zell am See, Austria)
45) unci  56 weeks ago -- Lakeside Furs 8 (Embach, Tyrol, Austria)
Use 'read <mesgnum>'to list a message.  Use 'read <keyword>' to list
messages with a keyword.  Use 'read -' to read the next message.
1) unci  1052 weeks ago -- how ta use da message board *purrpurr!*
From: unci_narynin  08:11:58 12/17/94 CST
How ta Use da Message Boarrd
To wrryte a message onna boarrd: *meow!* *fluff!*
1) Tell yt ta post wyffa gyven              wrryte <subject>=<keyworrds>
   subject 'n key worrds. *purr!*
2) Enterr yer message ynna edytorr.         <enterr message>
   (ya can get help wyf usyng da edytorr by
   typyng `.h' onna lyne by ytself wyffynna
3) Tell yt ya've fynyshed enterryng yt.     .end
   *truffle break!*
To see what messages arre *meow!* onna boarrd:
Ya can lyst all *fluff!* messages:          rread
Ya can lyst all mesgs wyffa keyworrd:       rread <keyworrd>
Ya can rread a purrtycularr message:        rread <message#>
Ya can rread da next message:               rread -
   *catnap break!*
To errase a message frrom da boarrd:        errase <message#>
   *truffle break!*  
To toggle autoexpurre purrotectyon on/off   purrotect <mesg#>
   fur a message:  (a purrotected message
   has a '}' afterr yt's mesg# *purr!* yn
   `rread', whyle an unpurrotected message
   *purrpurr!* has a ')'.)
   *catnap break!*
To edyt a message alrready onna boarrd:
1) tell yt whych ya want ta edyt:           edytmesg <mesg#>
2) edyt da message usyng da edytorr:        <edyt message>
3) tell yt *miaow!* ya'rre done edytyng:    .end
4) Enterr da new subject, orr a space       <new subject>
   alone onna lyne ta keep da old one:
5) enterr da new keyworrds, orr a space     <new keyworrds>
   alone onna lyne ta keep da old one:
   *grooming break!*
Ya can only errase orr edyt a message yf ya wrrote yt, orr own da
message boarrd.  Only da ownerr of a message boarrd can purrotect a
message.  Wyzzys can do all sorrta nasty thyngs wyf yerr boarrd.
2) unci  971 weeks ago -- 34 British furries
From: unci_narynin  08:29:10 01/16/95 CST
Edited by: unci  14:08:43 07/04/96 CDT
AberJazz     M  PolyMorph               
AlbiWolf     M  Beautiful white stallion                        
Asikaa       M  European timber wolf
BlackLion    M  black lion (non-anthro)                          
Blobby       M  A blob in humanoid form.                        
dolphin      M  dolphin                
Doominus     M  Shadow Lion-morph
Farthing     M  Fox              
Fenthe       M  pine marten                                      
Foxina       F  Cute an' cuddly vixen
Gerald_Duck  M  Duck                    
Gherkin      M  Gherkin                                          
Glis         M  Laid-back Glis Glis 
Hazel        F  vixen
Jaffa        M  Golden Lion Tamarin     
Korvar       M  Vulpine         
Mini         F  Mink        
Mysilv       M  Horse                                            
Nightshadow  M  Panther        
Nyar         M  English Toon Aardvark
Orange       M  Tiger               
Prask        M  Otter         
Rimmer       M  Hologr. Vending Mach. R. Man
Sapphyr      F  Felida felica
SeHT         M  Gold dragon (draco nobilis auris s. s.)
Shade        M  Black Panther                                    
Silvermane   M  Liger            
Slate        M  cat-like  
Timelady     F  Half Toon Gallifreyan
Tuu-Shrin    M  Fox (L'Drey)   
Wakako       N  Fluffy pink rabbit!
Warwick      M  Otter         
Vanyel       M  feline                    
Yanez        M  toon dog           
3) unci  971 weeks ago -- 6 Danish furries
From: unci_narynin  08:29:11 01/16/95 CST
Edited by: unci  14:11:11 07/04/96 CDT
kobus        M  vulpes gallacci miraculex
LoneWolf     M  Wolfmorph       
Nessus       M  Arctic Fox
SoftWalker   M  Wolf
Vulfen       M  Black Lupinoid    
Znurr        M  Soothing Morphuzzball                            
4) unci  1029 weeks ago -- 5 Dutch furries
From: unci_narynin  08:29:11 01/16/95 CST
Edited by: unci_narynin  17:22:46 05/29/95 CDT
Grimpy       M  Human immortal moviestar
Kasharim     M  N. Eur. Wolf morph
Swiv         M  Humanoid outcome
Teaser       M  Human                         
Zero         M  I believe I'm human                              
5) unci  983 weeks ago -- 9 Finnish furries
From: unci_narynin  08:29:11 01/16/95 CST
Edited by: unci  07:44:46 04/12/96 CDT
Cormad       M  Pegasus (Ka'rassian)      
Donotsue     M  Toon Squirrel (Sciurus Virginus Nerdius)
Kizeh        M  Arctic Anthropom. Raccoon
Nimbl        M  Wildcat felinoid      
Nimravid     M  Nimravus major  
Raker        M  Minotaur             
Ramsey       M  Striped skunk      
Remus        M  Roman Wolf      
Steven_Sand  M  Nalle        
6) unci  895 weeks ago -- 20 German furries
From: unci_narynin  08:29:11 01/16/95 CST
Edited by: Friedi (unci)  13:00:56 12/17/97 CST
Ann'katar    M  Human
Bearhug      M  Black Bear          
Christian    M  Centaur
Dreamfox     M  red fox         
Hurga        M  marten morph      
Jink         M  Polar Wolf/Elf M.
Jumpy        M  Ilt (gerbil morph)         
Leonie       F  lioness             
Lynard       M  shapeshifter
Miavir       C  Mrxxxx            
Mran         M  Cat'morph       
Pangur       M  cougar                       
Tabalon      M  Black Jaguar    
Tes-Tui-H'ar M  Feline           
Tyro         M  Raccoon            
unci         *  snow leopard          
Whitepelt    M  arcticfox        
Yorg         M  Furball           
7) unci  971 weeks ago -- 7 Swedish furries
From: unci_narynin  08:29:12 01/16/95 CST
Edited by: unci  14:24:22 07/04/96 CDT
Accipiter    M  Wolf Morph     
Claes        M  Hypercompact deer 
Glarg        M  octofur   
Holtz        F  Hare (tv'v)
Snout        M  Fox-Wolf Morph        
Stasov       M  Neo dolphin                                    
Tucker       M  Raccoon             
8) unci  1048 weeks ago -- 1 Swiss furry
From: unci_narynin  08:29:12 01/16/95 CST
Fulgan       M  Fellosim       
9) unci  971 weeks ago -- 2 Spanish furries
From: unci_narynin  10:00:30 03/07/95 CST
Edited by: unci  14:26:03 07/04/96 CDT
Artie_Roo    O  Male Roo        
Victor       M  Minotaur                                        
10) unci  971 weeks ago -- 2 Norwegian furries
From: unci_narynin  09:22:08 07/06/95 CDT
Edited by: unci  14:27:04 07/04/96 CDT
Shalian      M  White tiger         
11) (Toaded Player)  1022 weeks ago -- EuroFURries' Mailing List now open!
From: Yorg  13:16:09 07/18/95 CDT
  [text clipped from the original mail to the EuroFURence participants]
Hello, Moin, Guten Tag!
  At EuroFURence #1 someone mentioned the concept of a european furries'
mailing list. I thought that this would be a good way to keep contact
and to organize future meetings and EuroFURences.
  After spending a large fraction of my spare time to choose the right
Mailing List Manager (the finalists were "Majordomo" and "Black Marble
Wombat" - I finally chose the latter one, not just for its suitable name!)
and to configure it to run safely on our server, I am now ready to invite
participants to the list.
  Some RULES first: Due to pricing regulations for our IP volume, I have
to insist that the volume processed on this mailing list shall be kept
to a reasonable level. There are to be no stories or binary mails
whatsoever (necessary exceptions are, for example, maps to find convention
sites and similar stuff, but all these "large" postings should be cleared
with me first.)
  This point also applies to archive and fileserver stuff: I have disabled
all these functions in the BMW-scripts. If there is enough demand, I'll
re-enable the digest format of the list, but for the time being it will
simply work as a "mail exploder".
  Now for the technical and admin stuff:
  Black Marble Wombat accepts the following commands (use at least the
first three letters of any given command word. Put them on a line by
itself, left-aligned, in the body of a mail to
  -- subscribe to the mailing list
  -- unsubscribe from the mailing list
  -- list all subscribers to the mailing list
  -- short summary of all commands. (You already see most of them above!)
  You can send multiple commands in one mail; a mail to
"" with a body like this:
  would get you the full help text, subscribe you to the list and send
a catalogue of all subscribers to the list in a return mail to you.
  The list itself can be reached at "", in
the function of list-administrator I can be mailed at
  A similar message will be posted at the Eurofurence Message Board on
FurryMUCK in the next few days...
  I hope we'll have some fun - see you soon!
            Yorg  <>\/\/
12) (Toaded Player)  1000 weeks ago -- Fur Scene issue 5
From: Tuu-Shrin  18:36:04 12/13/95 CST
Just a should note to let furry fans know that Fur Scene issue 5 is now available details
on request or on
13) (Toaded Player)  988 weeks ago -- AvalonUK muck
From: Mohna  07:56:02 03/10/96 CST
This is to tell people who may be interested, about AvalonUK.
This is a muck based in the UK (surprise!)
Its a multitheme muck, which has just opened a furry area (currently the
others are Anime & SF, but you can play anything you want..)
Its a fairly new muck, and as such has a different atmosphere to furry
Its much smaller and, we feel, a lot friendlier!
So if youd like to take a look, we are on 4242  or 4242
14) (Toaded Player)  984 weeks ago -- Another German furry -- Hi all.
From: Jink  11:37:41 04/09/96 CDT
Well, the board seems not to have been used in a while... So I make myself
known. Here I am. Just another of these Germans crawling on FurryMUCK.
Jink -- RL name Andreas Spring -- location: Duisburg
Hi to y'all,
Greetings, Jink
15) (Toaded Player)  972 weeks ago -- Address Change...
From: Jink  03:51:00 06/27/96 CDT
Just a short note (alteration to the list of German furries...)
My e-mail has changed ever so slightly...
The address is now:
Thanks (it's also in my pinfo.)
16) unci  957 weeks ago -- unci's new address
From: unci  11:44:20 10/15/96 CDT
unci's new address, for anyone who's interested:
    Tobias Koehler
    Guentzstr. 22/C109
    01307 Dresden
Send me your sketchbook and I will add a drawing to it :)
e-mail is ( still works)
17) Prask  937 weeks ago -- Furry Gathering in England
From: Prask  21:03:59 02/26/97 CST
The disturbing annual event known as UK FurCon reaches its 4th year, to
be held in Coventry from the 21st to 23rd March, 1997.
Look at our web page -
Or page mail Prask or Foxina for further information
18) Kazuko  937 weeks ago -- THe Other Furry Gathering in England - May.
From: M-ko  22:18:11 02/28/97 CST
THe regular (3 or 4 times a year) UK furry Con at Ian Curtis's home
in Yateley (near REading, West of London) is tentatively
scheduled for the middle of May. Contact M-ko or Mare-e here for
details, nearer the time !
19) (Toaded Player)  918 weeks ago -- Need a home?
From: Sergei  20:58:47 07/14/97 CDT
I am giving out temporary and permanent suites to live in inside my hocey arena until July
16.  But temporary home are welcome at any time.  Need info page #mail Sergei if interested.
20) Fionacat  907 weeks ago -- New Scottish Furry
From: runtabu  05:59:04 09/27/97 CDT
Hello Furries of Europe >:O)  I'm announcing the arrival of ME! to the world of
furryness.  I am runtabu, a monkey dog type thing that is comprised of Runt from A! and
Abu from Aladdin.  (don't ask I'm still trying to figure it out meself...)  My player
hails from a tiny village more or less in the middle of deepest darkest Scotland and is
looking for any of furries from Scotland / Britian / Europe / Anywhere to write to via
If you are intrested mail me at: and I _WILL_ write back as soon as
I get it >:O)
Thanks and please be nice to me....I'm very new.
21) Eozarth  907 weeks ago -- Just sayin' Hi :)
From: Defiant  18:13:07 09/27/97 CDT
'Lo there, just writing this one because I just found this place (by accident), and
thought I'd introduce myself. Well, I live on the border of Wales, very near Chester,
close(ish) to Manchester and Liverpool. Quite happy really, although the time difference
between the UK and the US means I miss my furry friends a lot :/
Oh well, at least I met a few Europeans online from time to time. Anyfur from the UK as
well? Page me sometime, I'm rarely ever busy :)
22) Bailiff  907 weeks ago -- Visit the USS Providence today!  :)
From: Bailiff  01:37:01 09/30/97 CDT
Hello! I've just completed a public-domain ship, and everyfur is welcome
to come aboard and mess about!  :)  *Almost* everything's functional by
now, and you can fly it wherever you like. I've tried cramming as many
neat programmes as I could on board, and there's a @linkable deck for
anyone who's got a mind to living in space! (Especially the homeless.)
To get there? - 'tport prov'.
Okay, so everyfur and his dog must own a vehicle by now, and you don't
need someone else's ship. So what? Come have a look anyway!  :)
23) From  902 weeks ago -- Yorkfurs?
From: HarryDenton  14:21:49 10/30/97 CST
Jus' wondering if there are any furs here based in or around the York area.
24) Eozarth  901 weeks ago -- UK Furries?
From: Defiant  19:49:49 11/08/97 CST
Heyas! Any furs hailing from North Wales, Chester, Wrexham Borough or around those parts?
Call me if you do (since I appear to be the only one so far), and have a chat. Okay? :)
25) unci  900 weeks ago -- new proposal for EuroFurence 4 of 1998
From: unci  12:04:10 11/14/97 CST
Kimba has proposed to hold EuroFurence 4 in Norwich, Great Britain,
where he could rent some rooms in the university. There would be
enough sleeping space, and kitchens could be used too. The most
popular time for EF4 seems to be some time in July 1998.
Other proposals include the Netherlands, Sweden and somewhere
near Kassel (Germany).
More info as those who are looking for con places will come up with
prices and such.
26) Fionacat  893 weeks ago -- Proposal fur EF4
From: fionacat  13:22:39 01/04/98 CST
Well i know personally that the chances of me getting to Norwich are lots better then
anywhere on central Europe...
27) Yip  873 weeks ago -- Another Norwegian!
From: Yip  17:29:52 05/26/98 CDT
Those who keep track of such things can add another Norwegian
player to their lists (and his little doggie too!). Details
can be found on various web pages you can find the URLs to
in my pinfo. Good night.... (zzzzzz)
28) unci  861 weeks ago -- EuroFurence 5 date survey
From: unci  04:15:47 08/18/98 CDT
I am currently holding a survey among European furries (or
anyone in other corners of the world who is interested in
coming to EuroFurence 5 in 1999), to find out which date would
be the most convenient for the convention.
It is not yet decided where it will be. This decision can be
taken once we have agreed on a date - then everyfurry can look
out for a suitable location in their vicinity which can hold
150 furries or more, is not too expensive, has suitable
amenities for a furry con and is reachable by public transport
and findable on a map.
So, everyone, if you are from Europe or interested in visiting
an European furry convention, please reply to this by e-mail
(to and tell me which period(s) of
1999 will be most convenient for you to go to EuroFurence. If
possible, give exact date ranges, i. e. "15 August to 15
September" rather than just "late summer". You can also give
several dates.
Please answer before Sunday 23rd August. Thank you!!
29) (Toaded Player)  829 weeks ago -- message
From: Skunki  07:12:31 03/28/99 CST
Skunki will come to EF5
30) Sophie  798 weeks ago -- German inflateable doll in search of other germans
From: AlexisLAtex  10:51:01 10/28/99 CDT
Hi eurpean furs!
If anyone here is from germany, I like to meet him. Just mail me and let's have a date.
Oh: If someone searches for me, I'm usually found in the "Balloon Room" (#54089).
Looking forward to receive some mails.
Hugs and kisses,
31) Bailiff  794 weeks ago -- Looking for Dag - missing fur!
From: Apparition (Bailiff)  22:25:12 11/25/99 CST
Can anyone tell me what happened to Dag? He hasn't been on for 10 weeks, and is probably
due for @toading in 14 days! He disappeared quite suddenly - I'd be grateful if anyone
could tell me what happened, and why he's given up Mucking... I wasn't aware of any
problems while he was on.
32) Bearhug  602 weeks ago -- Lifesign in this dusty cave?
From: Bearhug  13:10:30 08/03/03 PDT
I just wandered in after I hacked my way through all the spiderwebs and dust and took a
look at the old board. I am just wondering if I am the only one still alive in this cave
here or if there are others around?
33) unci  583 weeks ago -- Lifesign
From: Friedi (unci)  08:01:18 12/11/03 PST
I am the eternal guardian in this dusty cave. It will keep existing as long as we have
eurofurs on this MUCK (though it is little known, admittedly). Where would you like to
have a meeting around May 2004?
34) unci  561 weeks ago -- Furry convention in the Alps
From: unci  05:17:51 05/17/04 PDT
Hi, fluffies!
I almost forgot to announce it here - but we still have three free places!
I hold a furry meeting at the Tonnerhuette in Styria ... 2004-05-28 to
2004-05-31. See here (in German):
The list of furries coming so far can be seen here:
This is something for snow leopards and other mountainophile furries!
35) Ulvepote  557 weeks ago -- Update on a dane.
From: Ulvepote  13:47:30 06/09/04 PDT
Just a lil' update here.. I forgot this place existed :|
Softwalker mentioned in post #3 is I, Ulvepote.
I am danish, male and my email is at the moment, and..
Icq# is 50 82 11 86.
I'd like to see a survey on eurofurs again, I don't know anyone :]
36) (Toaded Player)  545 weeks ago -- Hello
From: Peter  04:29:46 09/04/04 PDT
Just to say hello
37) Jock_MacWallaby  545 weeks ago -- Update on finns
From: Gin  05:37:26 09/04/04 PDT
Edited by: Gin  02:07:56 09/05/04 PDT
Raker & Steven_Sand were my chars, current name/status is Gin / Draco Orientalis Furrius
38) doco  533 weeks ago -- Eurofurence help available.
From: doco  05:47:50 11/27/04 PST
It seems I'm one of the few active Eurofurence staff members left on the MUCK.
If you have any questions regarding the European convention, feel free to page or page
#mail me. If I cannot answer your question yourself, I will forward the message to the
person responsible. Personally, I handle all matters concerning registration, payment and
travel to and from the convention.
Be brief in your question, and, if you page #mail, do not expect an answer within 5
minutes. While I'm on FM regularly, there may be times when I'm hindered due to work or
other circumstances. Please try to look at the Eurofurence web site
( for answers first.
Otherwise, ask. I don't bite. :)
39) doco  531 weeks ago -- Eurofurence 2005
From: doco  12:59:25 12/13/04 PST
Eurofurence 2005 will take place at Nuremberg Castle, Germany, from July 20 to 24. The web
site is at, registration will start in January. See you all
40) doco  527 weeks ago -- European Furry History project
From: doco  15:23:43 01/05/05 PST
Hi everyone,
while digging through my archives, I have found a few noteworthy things, among them a
little document I wrote back in 2002, giving an overview of the European furry fandom. I'd
love to get some input on this, as my own experience doesn't reach to events earlier than
1996, and especially the 80s and early 90s are still very much of a terra incognita.
You can find it on the web at , if it moves, I'll
put a pointer there.

Y'all come back now, y'hear?

And for those few of you who still know Jink from EF3 and EF4, seems like he isn't with us anymore:

Considering some of those entries are 20 years old, that's a pretty low quota of death compared to the general population.
« Last Edit: 17.02.2015, 11:52:29 by doco »
I will accept other opinions as long as you all accept that those opinions are wrong.


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Re: Eurofurries Nexus vaults
« Reply #1 on: 19.02.2015, 06:03:18 »

   Thank you for finding this and posting it - it is helpful!

   I remember FurryMUCK, but never participated in it myself (I was more invested in the newsgroups and not necessarily in that order).  I've met both Ashy and Drew who were part of its creation, and who - along with their house-mates -ran it for a while as students at Carnegy-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, while living at the time in "The Furry House in Squirrel Hill".

   I believe I briefly met Unci in 1998 (Snow-meow, right?), at the last ConFURence held in Buena Park - My impression was of a skinny man who was barefoot, and advocated always being barefoot for both health and semi-spiritual reasons.  And I have some artwork (well - images from VCL or SQFA) of Accipiter and Nimble/AntiRhemes.

   I also recognise the name Miavir.

   A name I do NOT see there is Andre Heinonen (sp?); I have a collection of prints which he sold on FurBID-SF at about the same time.

   I will refer this to Fred; it is a very useful "snapshot" of a time of growth and evolution.

Vulpine fortunes are precarious; people wish either to build monuments to us - or to hang us.


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Re: Eurofurries Nexus vaults
« Reply #2 on: 19.02.2015, 15:44:44 »

I believe I briefly met Unci in 1998 (Snow-meow, right?), at the last ConFURence held in Buena Park - My impression was of a skinny man who was barefoot, and advocated always being barefoot for both health and semi-spiritual reasons.
That sounds like him.

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