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Eurofurence 29 — "Space Expedition"
Sep 3 — 6, 2025
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg


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Author Topic: The Conbook is looking for submissions again!  (Read 11807 times)


  • Decoration & Theming
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The Conbook is looking for submissions again!
« on: 04.03.2015, 15:55:30 »

Dear artists and creative minds,

This year's theme for Eurofurence 21 is „Greenhouse World“. No, we are not talking about the fancy glasshouses used to grow vegetables and plants in (although it sure has something to do with the latter). Imagine that the world as we know it doesn't exist anymore,  a post-apocalyptic scenario in which only ruins remain of the cities we used to know, reconquered by nature, in which anthropomorphic creatures have taken the place of humanity, the last humans having died out long ago. It's up to you to decide whether this is a beautiful utopia or a constant, brutal fight for survival in an overgrown world.

The Eurofurence conbook is once again looking for both full page and small filler illustrations. With a bit of luck you will see your art printed in the conbook, which will be handed out to every attendee at the convention. We appreciate every single submission and would encourage every artist who feels inspired by our theme to take a chance and have a go.

To help jump-start your inspiration, here are some key ideas that show the wide range of possibilities within this topic:

  • Overgrown cities, fantasy or real, especially famous locations from Berlin or from other cities around the world
  • Ruins, old factory buildings, abandoned houses
  • Anthros equipped and clothed in a mix of modern and ancient fashions and items
  • Anthros and animals exploring  the history of the mysterious „humans“ from long ago
  • Everyday life in a post-apocalyptic scenario
  • Ancient research facilities which might have been the place where anthropomorphic creatures were brought to life.

Basically, you can let your imagination run wild. Beautiful landscapes, cities overgrown with plants and flowers, lakes and rivers clearing a way for themselves, anthros and animals of any kind experiencing adventures in a post-apocalyptic world and exploring ancient history.

As a rule, please keep all submissions FSK 12 / PG-13. Also, you don't have to take the theme too seriously. Funny interpretations are highly welcome as well.

The conbook is in full color, and so color illustrations as preferred. The format for full page illustrations is A4 (210x297mm) plus 3mm cropping area along all edges, adding up to a total of 216x303mm or 2551x3578 pixels at 300 dpi.

Fillers should be saved as PNG with a transparent background and be at least 1500px on the longest side (larger files are no problem at all). Their dimensions and aspect ratio will of course depend upon their particular content and purpose, but please make sure they don't turn out too small.

The deadline for submissions is the 15th of June.

You don't have to be an attendee to submit artwork to the conbook; if you just like the theme, feel free to send us something. There are so many awesome artists out there who simply don't go to conventions, or at least are not able to take part in this year's Eurofurence, and they deserve a chance as well.
You can find further information and inspiration here:

Please send all finished art to!
« Last Edit: 04.03.2015, 16:48:33 by Snow-wolf »
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