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Eurofurence 29 — "Space Expedition"
Sep 3 — 6, 2025
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg


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Author Topic: Everyone please please be very careful at the airport......hope everyone is safe  (Read 17416 times)


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I am not attending EF at this time right now, but I just read the news (not from US nor Euro sites, so it's kinda a second hand delayed news) that terrorisms are trying to attack an airport named "frank" something, and also one US military base in Germany. They got caught at Germany's and Denmark's airport by 9/4

I haven't read any further information about this attack action, basically this whole thing has been turned down and criminals were all caught in the airport, but 9/11 is right at the corner, I hope furs came in and leave the con safely and be aware that since they having this issue, it might take even longer time to go through all the checking process in the airport (so you might want to check in early and be prepare your suit and luggage might be ask to open up for detail check.........I guess)

I suggest furs call and ask if anything will be delay in process, and watch out yourselves and such.

Other than that *huggles* I hope everyone having a good time right now, and come back home safely please :3



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Frankfurt, right where I was travelling. And to be honest, I did not give a damn o.o
They lacked several information but already knew their whole plan... sure, suicide-terrorists would tell the police directly their whole plan when they are cought or the police found all papers of the plan and stuff with everything down in some unencrypted way?
I am not trying to talk about conspirancy theories here, but seriouls there is a higher chances that the plane crashes :-P

Or even a VERY(!!!) more likely chance that your luggage gets stolen as I already heard from two furres, one posted here:,666.0.html

And something that is even more sad is that you were not attending the con! Next time I want to see you there! :P



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Wow, not only are terrorists a problem, their terrorisms themselves turn on the world, as well!

(Hey, thanks for the warning, but seriously - this is all fear mongering... your chance of dying from a terrorist attack is far, far less than your chance of getting struck by lightning... 'nuff said).

Read this:

Thygrrr Darkfurre


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Why accuse Kofu of fear mongering when his post actually ready more like that he wanted to let furs be prepared for tighter security and additional waitings, so they are prepared for even more delays? And for this it doesn't really matter if these persons were actual terrorists.



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Why accuse Kofu of fear mongering when his post actually ready more like that he wanted to let furs be prepared for tighter security and additional waitings, so they are prepared for even more delays? And for this it doesn't really matter if these persons were actual terrorists.


No shit, man. It's been six years so get over it, folks.
I will accept other opinions as long as you all accept that those opinions are wrong.


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Yes, sorry, I didn't realize it was more of a warning about the tighter security (which is a nusance at best, and terrifying at worst).
Thygrrr Darkfurre
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