Konu and myself are back too^^
The EF this year was even more than I had expected and right that what I had needed.
I was the hardest competition for our suits ... now we go on to the repairs XD
But it was a great fun and I'd liked to thank anybody who mad this con to what it was.
Special thanks go to
Riffuchs ... our most useful Orga and Photograph on my inofficial Fursuit group photo ... (I hope Somewolf doesn't kill me for this XD)
lizard (i guess it was him XD) ... for the "In front of"
Kazagh ... for his *ksst* and his special offers ... like my "Zwangsläufigkeit" and Mandewos "Doggenmoese" >.>
Black Wolf ... for his Balcony

To Tani and Nightfox for lettin me be the most important part of their stage performance

The Stage crew, especially Mystifur ... for their endless patience with our questions and suggestions.
To Fox Cubbold, Greskil and Shiinshu for this wonderful evening outside^^
To all this helping hands in the fursuit lounge who helped to put me together XD
To all who joined us in our Assicon-concert in the foyer ... I hope we didn't disturbed the others to much XD
To all the people on the "big blue dance"-Dancefloor who provided me with additional glowsticks

And to all the Organisators, Technicans, Gophers and all who we forgot.
*Waiting for the next con* (You can never have enough of that)
LeTigre and Konu
P.S. ... Who the f*** is Vorderman???