Registration : just perfect, fast & effective. Congrats to reg team.

Small improvement possible : the machine for punching holes in key cards should more easily accessible.
Opening Ceremony : nice music & intro video. I would love to see that ceremony as a start of a story (CFz did an amazing thing to make it less boring), board directors speeches can be boring sometimes. :/
80s dance : I had a very nice time there but I would love to hear more great classical songs from the 80s next time.
And please please don't put typical 90s songs (ie "I Like to Move It" - 1993) in your 80s set, it kills the entire mood/feeling of a 80s dance.
Dutch Angel Dragon meeting : I learnt a lot about the AD dragons there. It was very well conducted. Next time try to have offline PDF/HTML pages & videos because unfortunately the internet was crappy during the panel.
Fursuit photoshoot : great idea of this QR code receipt. Too bad you can't choose the exact hour & time. Definitely nicer setup than EF20 and the headshoot idea is nice too ! Keep up the good work !
To allow more people to get a pic, would it be possible to allow photographers access outside of the photoshoot time slots?
Breathing Life into Fursuiting : although it was his first time, Blastdav's panel was very interesting. Please make more of this !
Group Photo : maybe having clear instructions from a megaphone from the ground would help next time.
Fursuit group photo : not a very good time there. People were stuck in a massive queue at the door not able to move or to have space to breathe. :/
I can't imagine how it was hard for unexperimented suiters to wait at the entrance & then wait for the pic itself. The fursuit staff tried to provide fans to cool down the queue but it was not effective at all because of the massive & dense queue.
If the main stage is not totally ready yet, you should allow fursuiters to enter the room ASAP and make them wait in a corner of the main stage or make them wait in the fursuit lounge only (same procedure as the fursuit parade)
Dancing panel : please make more of this ! Great time there. ^^
Fursuit Parade : nice & very fast. ^^ Maybe you could offer a small waterproof FM radio + earpieces as a gift to Sponsors next year to fursuiters.

Fureoke : great songs & nice memories there. There is a room to improve sound next year and maybe put the main screen further so it won't be blocked by singers.
Motorfurs meeting : nice cars there, too bad that the ground is dirty and in a very bad shape.
Enter the Arena : lot of good & different performances and no visible technical problems this year. Too bad it was nearly impossible to see the dancers. :/ Put the public on removable grandstands would help (I know it would take a lot of space and money too).
Closing ceremony : I loved the idea of that small film of the convention, very nice editing there. ^^ Having some feedback from the charity was very nice too. Let's make the number & stats things more shorter next time.
Big Blue Dance : well, I have to admit I never got into this. :/ Fortunately there was an alternative dance in the club.
Dead dog party : best dance for me. Congrats to the DJs.

Hotel : very nice place as always with an effective & nice staff.
I really hope that the hotel extension will have a swimming pool. ^^'
Dog permit : some of my friends were really pissed off to see that some VIPs & people from staff were allowed to bring their dogs (although they're not obviously guide dogs for blind people). They were missing their dog and they had to find a solution to find a place and someone to take care of it during the convention.
Bar : I know I'm in Germany but no cider of any kind at all ? :/
Beer Garden : lovely place to drink a beer especially on a hot summer night. ^^ The campfire is one of my favorite places. Congrats to the setup team !
Fursuit lounge : large mirrors in the entrance and digital clocks easily visible in room, large fans with benches & plenty of water (although I almost had no drink there) : perfect ! I was just missing "The Blade" from CFz & the fursuit lounge seems to be at 1 km from the lobby with damn stairs. ^^'
Fortunately the little Oasis was much closer to the lobby.
Main Stage : the light show (lasers & stuff) was amazing ! I just find the main stage very dark sometimes : especially during the fursuit friendly dance, it was not fursuit friendly at all. ^^'
I also did not felt very secure when this guy moving at high speed on a wheeled machine was filming very close to me and the other fursuiters.
The theme : the conbook, website & trailer videos were great but the only place I really felt a little bit the theme was the main stage. I really hope that next year more convention space will be used to display the theme.
Staff on wheels : for me, the real theme of EF21 was the song "They see me Rollin', they Hatin'" XD
EF Prime : good stuff there but problems sometimes on the stream.
Schedule : you should allow photoshoot organisers access to the EF smartphone app (with a special tab) & EF schedule on screens/EF Prime.
Dealers' Den : I had the feeling it was lacking of space and the Art show had too much of it. Maybe space could be gained by reducing the space between the Main stage and the artshow itselft (aka the queue room to Main Stage).
Fursuit mobile water service : very nice idea ! Please keep it next year !