I had a great con! I don't have any complaints!
Registration was smooth, as was checkin. The hotel staff were helping direct people to the desks which sped things along!
I was worried about the lifts being on the 13th floor but it turned out fine. I hardly waited and it ran smoothly. The lift only broke one(of which I had video as it was amusing!) and we got stuck on the 5th floor but I rung the reception and they sent someone to help straight away and we helped carry someone's trolley down the stairs. I was impressed with their quickness in helping:)
- rooms were nice, as were room service. I left a note probably terribly translated! But illustrated by art! Asking for another pillow , and they found me a super comfy one:) I did leave them tips ! They left me a thank you note at the end of my stay

- bar staff were great:) friendly and quick, esp Reggie outside who was proudly wearing his con badge someone drew him last year!
- lots of nice food options! Eventually found the food bar at the back of the hotel ( me being blind!) bbq was a good idea, as was the bar by the fur suit lounge.
- I liked how the hotel staff joined in because they wanted to. Some people said they were made to wear ears and tails but the staff I saw were enjoying it! I saw them rushing up to registration to get con badges printed before running back happy and showing their friends who then ran and got some too. It's nice to find somewhere so accepting.
- I liked the dances this year, there was a lot of good songs that kept you coming back on the dance floor! Even getting up to dance to The Wurzles Cider drinker song at one point at the Dead Dog Party! The fans on the dance were nice, as was all the fur suit lounge! But Mystifur already knows how good he is

there was a big choice of drinks spread out over several tables and also fabreeze and food:) there was always staff to help if you needed it and it was great:) and I took home some Eurofurence Green so I can carry on the con forever! ( or until I run out of green)
Thank you to the people giving out water, I though this was a great idea and revived tired paws to dance that little bit more! Thanks for the kind idea and for making sure everyone was ok:)
And thank you for the bag lockers service:) really good useful idea! Thanks to the staff who took time out to keep it going.
Some people mentioned they couldn't get earplugs for the dances etc... But I saw them everywhere with big signs to tell people where they were, more than I've seen before.
Also I know people said they didn't like the stairs to the fur suit lounge etc but..... There was a lift right next to the stairs that largely went unused! And worked fine:)
So to sum up.... Great company, great con, great hotel and no complaints here apart from it should never end!
Thanks to everyone who bidded and bought my art:) you helped towards the charity and my smile^^
P.s. A thanks to Cairyn for your hard work organising things for the art show and everyone else:)
P.p.s I didn't have a problem with the lights in the artshow I thought they were fine.