Thanks a lot for all the feedback! More is still welcome; I'm just replying to some points.
Distribution: As the standee in the lobby ran empty rather fast, we'll have to think of a way to improve that... bigger baskets, an additional standee or shorter filling intervals.
Missed copies: We'll see if we can set up a place where there's always a stock of the "old" papers too. Most likely at or near the ConOps office as that is publicly accessible and they're basically our neighbours. Also, we'll just print more than 1000 copies next year.
"Endangered Species": We got lots of feedback on that one, mostly positive. It seems like it sparked some fruitful discussions, which I believe is what the author intended. We were pleasantly surprised how well-read even longish articles without pictures turned out to be. Thanks for that!
The "Jumpy family issue": We're very happy to have brightened your day! (And let me assure you, I had nothing to do with picking the images

Geting more native speakers: I also agree that we could profit from having one or more native speakers on the team. We try every year, but motivated writers hard to come by. If you know one that might be interested, by all means let me know!