And the rich will again have an unfair advantage !! Because they are more able to secure the room than others.
What are you talking about? The registration process is the same for everybody and starts at almost the same time every year.
So it should not be a problem to plan ahead and save some money till registration opens.
We may could delay the booking for the hotelrooms by one or two weeks so people can think about who they want to room with first.
Yes, okey. ^^
Naja, es gab ebenhalt nach der EF20, direkt Leute die damit angeben haben, das sie sich haben schon über andere Wege, Zimmer sichern können.
Und damit für etwas böses Blut gesorgt haben. Diese Zimmer gab es wohl über Booking Portale oder so. Zimmer die wahrscheinlich nicht zum EF Contingent gehört haben.
Well, there was just stop after the EF20, directly people who brag that they have been in other ways, could secure rooms. And thus have caused some bad blood. These rooms were well-booking portals or so. Rooms have probably not part of the EF Contingent.
Aber egal jetzt. Jedenfalls bin ich Kampfbereit.

But nevermind. Anyway, I'm ready to fight.

Und egal wie mann es dreht, Reiche Leute sind im Leben immer im Vorteil.
And no matter how you look at it, rich people in life are always at an advantage.
It wasn't EF20, we had EF22. The booking process has improved. A few rooms were still accessable via booking portals, because there are hotel contracts with them. Deal with it, nobody could change that. Most of these rooms are even cheaper than the EF contingent. Where do you see the point that being rich is an advantage?
I'm not rich either. I don't even have a credit card. But I got a room in the main hotel. I didn't bribed anyone. I just was there at the right time. The reg opens at the same time for every guest. It was announced long time before the opening.
Being rich is no advantage for getting a hotel room. If you're too slow and wait too long with the booking, please blame it on your own.
Ich muss mich korrigieren. Ich meinte auch nicht die EF 20 sondern die 21. Entschuldige dafür.
Aber egal. Aber du hast recht. Ich war ein Tag zu spät. Weil ich am Reg-Tag leider auf dem Bielefelder Stammi war. Irgendwie glaubte ich, ich hätte am Sonntag noch eine Chance. Aber es war nichts zu machen.
Und später hatten wir eben beschlossen dieses Hostel not gedrungen zu nehmen.
Später hätte ich alleine schon die Möglichkeit gehabt ein Estrel Zimmer zu bekommen. Aber dann hätte ich 5 Freunde im Stich lassen müssen. Und das ist kein Estrel Zimmer. wert.
Jedenfalls werden wir versuchen nächstes Jahr eine bessere Lösung zu finden. Ich wünsch euch allen jedenfalls Glück das ihr ein Estrel Zimmer bekommt.
I must correct myself. I meant not the EF 20 but the 21. Excuse me for it.
But no matter. But you are right. I was a day late. Because I was unfortunately on the Bielefeld Stammi the Reg-day. Somehow I thought I had on Sunday one more chance. But there was nothing to be done.
And later we had just decided to take this hostel not penetrated.
Later I alone would have had the opportunity to get a room Estrel. But then I would have to let 5 friends in the lurch. And that is not Estrel rooms. value.
Anyway, we will try to find a better solution next year. I wish you all the luck in any case the one Estrel gets her room.