Sounds interesting.

I do have a few questions regarding the time table and the required bananas for each job.
Would we have to fulfill a quota or anything or is just like "if you are free, feel free to help." attitude.
I do have some experience as a stage hand at open air festivals but the last time was like 11 years ago.
I still remember fragments, but i clearly remember how time intensive this can be.
Initially i was going to offer my help anyway on Wednesday, because i already arrive on Monday at the Hotel, so i would have some spare time.
Also, is there another way to communicate at the convention, because there are probably a few people like me who don't have/use Whatsapp/Telegram.
Also one very very important question regarding health and safety, because if we volunteer and something happens, what measurements do you have in place? I assume that most people have a regular job and accidents can happen, even if people are extra careful. Speakers can be very heavy and tripping a cable will also be a danger to anyone who has no experience in a busy environment like the backstage area.
Just to clarify, i am generally interested but i also want to make sure that i get the most out of my first EF and enjoy helping at the same time.