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Eurofurence 29 — "Space Expedition"
Sep 3 — 6, 2025
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg


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Author Topic: Virtual Reality Workshop  (Read 12907 times)


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Virtual Reality Workshop
« on: 14.06.2016, 18:39:14 »

Hello there Eurofurence staff and attendees,

Some of you may know me, but the majority won't. My name is Fang and I am what one could call a Media-Wolfdog :)

I am sure you guys heard it: VR is the new Hype-topic everywhere. But so far, it was hard to get a Glimpse into that technology, because most VR Hardware is hard to come by, expensive and the setup is complicated. Still I would like to know if there is any interest in the technology, and would maybe offer a Panel about that at EF.

The panel would be open for any participant, maybe we have some people who would even bring their own VR-Hardware, so that it is not only what I bring. I would offer to bring one HTC Vive Set including necessary computer equipment. There would definitely be room and time to try out things, maybe it is possible to also have some talks and share some experiences from a developer perspective, maybe even especially with a furry theme in mind. So from programmer to 3D Modeller to animator and end user I would say everyone is welcome, but I would like to put the emphasis on sharing possibilities and ideas for future use of the technology.

I am sure this technology has a lot to offer, especially for us that we crave to experience the fluff in every area of our lives :)

So tell me what you think, and then we can come up with details together!

Equipment needed in the room:
- Power
- Projector for Presentation / Live view of what goes on in VR
- At least 4x4 Meters of space for the VR Space itself plus some people standing around
- Maybe if possible some peripherals (a screen, a keyboard, a mouse) to make transport for me easier, since it's already quite some stuff to bring.

EF-Staff: When is the deadline to include panels at EF?
« Last Edit: 14.06.2016, 18:53:41 by Fangzahn »


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Re: Virtual Reality Workshop
« Reply #1 on: 14.06.2016, 22:44:54 »

Deadline is the 15.07 but please don't come at the last day if possible ;)

There is another VR Panel, you probably want to talk with the other one to see if you can do it together.

Please write to so we can bring you two together :)
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