DancerFurs Europe invite you to join or watch a new event at Eurofurence!
We'd like to introduce you to a dance battle event, as seen on Anthrocon and MMF where it is called "Floor Wars".
If you have never seen it before have a look here
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9ewZjEgi53ttfx1l8DEulKtTvAL58lsFFor the first time, it will be possible to join a dance event at EF without fursuit!
We have two categories non-fursuit and fursuit.
You are welcome to both!
When?Thursday --> 8pm --> Clubstage (locatet in front of the MainStage)
How do I register? Just fill in this form!
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeukQX4vag6eiOrX8GPXJrEFzVLbR1qsqBBU6KGLoPJ_bFi7w/viewformRegistration ends 12th of august
This will also provide you with the list of songs that could possibly be played, and the dance battle behaviour rules.
You can also find the song in this Spotify playlist:
And this are our rules:
1. Category1 → without Fursuit:
Decorative suit-parts are allowed (tail and ears) no paws etc.
Category2 → with Fursuit:
Partial and Fullsuit is allowed ( Partial: head + hand paws + tail + feet paws.
2. No props of any kind are allowed
3.Itβs always 1v1 (for 2016 → this might be changed in upcoming events)
Every dancer has 30 seconds and dances two times - example:
Song 1: 30 seconds for dancer 1 (then MC counts down from 3 and opponent starts)
30 seconds for, dancer 2 (then MC counts down from 3 and round 1 is finished)
Song 2: 30 seconds for dancer 1 (then MC counts down from 3 and opponent starts)
30 seconds for, dancer 2 (then MC counts down from 3 and
Judges will show their votes by pointing in the direction of the winner.
4. Every dancer has to give a "thumbs up" or nod when the MC asks the dancers if they are ready.