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Eurofurence 29 — "Space Expedition"
Sep 3 — 6, 2025
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg


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Author Topic: [EF22] Estrel wifi  (Read 9929 times)


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[EF22] Estrel wifi
« on: 24.07.2016, 15:10:23 »

I haven't seen it asked anywhere but I was wondering how much of the venue is covered by wifi since my roaming data plan for Germany is rather weak.
I assume my room (in the Estrel) will be covered and anyone else's room who I visit but what about the con space?


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Re: [EF22] Estrel wifi
« Reply #1 on: 24.07.2016, 15:53:42 »

The general wifi is provided by the Estrel and should be also 'visible' in the lobby etc.
But the chances of successfully using it… it is a mixed bag. The coverage is not the issue… the 2500 nerds with each 3-6 wifi-enabled devices on them is!

So your link quality might vary massively and you will have no fun using the wifi, I can tell you! I very much recommend finding yourself a friend with a good data plan and only get your wifi-dosis when around this friend.

General security advice: If you use the Esterl Wifi or *especially* when you use some other open Wifi, use a VPN or make at least sure you fetch your mail, messages or websites via TLS secured connections.

Best wishes,
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