Eurofurence Community > General Discussion

Eurofurence Telegram Chat Group


Hello everyone. For now almost three years we got an awesome EF chat group running on telegram. Since we want to give everyone the chance to participate in it, we decided to publish the link here in the EF forum.

Please note:

* The chat is not anyhow related to Eurofurence e.V.
* All people moderating the EF chat do this as privat people
* Even though some members of the chat are part of staff, we do not nesecarily act as staff when being active in chat
* Moderators that might be staff have a right to have their own private opinion that does not need to reflect anything that EF does
* And again, just to be sure :) the telegram chat is an inofficial chat hosted by volunteers

The new invite link for the group is:

The Link not work.


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