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Eurofurence 29 — "Space Expedition"
Sep 3 — 6, 2025
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg


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Author Topic: Some art-related questions from a first-time attendee  (Read 10530 times)

Abandon Ambition (formerly "Zelaphas")

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Hello all! EF24 was my first Eurofurence, and it was wonderful! I was a dealer in the Dealer's Den for most of the con, so unfortunately didn't get to see everything outside of it. I was left with a few questions that I'm hoping someone may clarify for me, since every furry con is run slightly differently.

Artist Alley - I saw where the AA is and understand the tables aren't reserved, but first come first served. Are artists here allowed to sell pre-made merch? I also saw some ads go up on social media ahead of time for specific artists in the AA; Are some artists reserved a spot and get promotions from the convention? I'm just curious how this works.

Artist Lounge - This was the giant room on the other side of the tapestry banners spelling out "Eurorfurence," right? I thought this was just a hanging out spot, but are artists allowed to sell their art and wares in here as well? If so, can an artist set up a display to sell art and merch here?

Thanks in advance; Some things in EF are similar to other conventions I've been to, while some are handled differently, so I just wanted to clarify what's actually going on. I plan on going next year and hopefully this will help me explore the art a lot better!

Btw, this con and the Dealer's Den were great! :D Can't wait for next year.
See more of my art and join my journey at
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