Hi everyone, New here but have been around the furry fandome for some years now =) EF 14 will be my first con so hoping it will be as fun as i think it will be =)
Well for those who dont know Wolfer i can tell you that Wolfer is part Wolf and part Demon mainly black with the exeption of tail tip and a line tween hes eyes that is dark gray, eyes is compleetly red and glows evily

But the tricky part is that for moust time i play him as a babyfur (looks around, hope that is ok) so likes to have fun just as much as everyone elce hehe =) well, just thought this is a good way to say hi so HI everyone! // Wolfer
http://s135.photobucket.com/albums/q144/Humtido/ (some pictures of Wolfer)