Hello to all you guys,
my Name is Ignitus Willion, i´m 22 years old and my furry character is a anthro lion named Willion. I come form southern germany and I´m part of the fandom since I first discovered it back in 2002.
The Eurofurence (15) this year will be my first big furry convention and I´m excited as hell

. It is really a pitty that I haven`t joined any event earlier, because after watching all the great videos I realized how much fun it must be to be part of it. :-)
I actually live in a very very small town near Stuttgart (under 1000 habitants) but currently I´m assigned at the University in Darmstadt. I study Digital Media with the pathway Film/Video. So you can see me as a film student.

It was always a dream of me to become a director for feature films but I have realised very early that it is almost impossible to get there. I decided to have an education with more than one perspective. I found that in Darmstadt.
One of my passions is the theater. In 2006 i joined an amateur dramatic society (Laienspielgruppe) that is managed by my twin sister (we get along very well, far better than the usual silblings :-)). And we are still very active with that.
I can`t await the summer and the EF convention. I seriously hope that I will meet many great furry fellows there. But after watching the videos I have not the slightest doubts about that.
PS: If someone of you comes from Stuttgart as well, maybe we could travel to the con together. Feel free to contact me via email or icq.
Best regards and *biglionhugstoall*
Ignitus Willion

That`s me playing in the theater play "Kabale und Liebe" by Friedrich Schiller

my FA site: