Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Information screens

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Maybe we SHOULD start managing the timetable in a database instead of 50% openoffice draw and 50% wiki. That way we could make real-time changes even on site, and all other information systems could be fed from ONE place ... BBF's planned info-crawl, info-terminals, even the EF website could have up-to-date event listings from the very first submission.


--- Quote from: Cheetah on 11.09.2010, 04:14:08 ---Maybe we SHOULD start managing the timetable in a database instead of 50% openoffice draw and 50% wiki. That way we could make real-time changes even on site, and all other information systems could be fed from ONE place ... BBF's planned info-crawl, info-terminals, even the EF website could have up-to-date event listings from the very first submission.

--- End quote ---

I have a piece of software you might be interested in, which is designed for just that.  If you want to see it, ask me in...  Oh, 10 hours when I get to Kettwig.  Alas, will only be there a day.

Whichtakes us back to pentabarf ^.^


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