Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Information screens

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While the information screen in the main hall was a very nice idea, I think it could be improved a bit next year - aside from being slightly out of date most of the time (panels that already had passed hours ago were still being shown), the fonts could be made a lot bigger. One literally had to walk up to it and read the stuff that was on the screen.

Also, whoever thought red flashing text was a clever idea needs to be tied to a chair and be shown the copy of GeoCities, circa 1996 while Beethoven plays in the background.

Especially when some events are delayed it gets somewhat confusing if the big screen tells you otherwise.

In an ideal world, the info screen, EF Prime and monitor outside the main hall would all get updated, along with announcements made over the PA (where avaialble at the venue) when events are delayed...Unfortunately, whilst the con is running there's only so much time to do such things and others (rightly or wrongly) are a higher priority.

Short of having a dedicated Event Information team, responsible for performing such updates, I'm not entirely sure how such things could be improved.



The info screen was cycling too quickly and the fonts were very small. There were also a lot of typos or orthographic mistakes in the English texts.

Still, just HAVING the screen was better than not having it, so it can only improve further :-)


--- Quote from: SouthPaw on 01.09.2009, 14:36:01 ---Short of having a dedicated Event Information team, responsible for performing such updates, I'm not entirely sure how such things could be improved.

--- End quote ---

Actually, we had this dedicated team ... but this task was one little thing in the big convoluted mess of responsibilities that our newly founded conops team had to deal with for the very, very first time in their lives. I'm sure they're already taking notes and trying to improve things for next year :)


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