Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Information screens

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I thought the info screens were a good idea too and the one in front of the main hall was very funny at times with little messages from the staff!  :D

I agree. Having such a screen with sometimes outdated infos is better than not having one! I am sure next time the layout will be improved =)

Shay (Wolly):
Hehe, I have to agree, the info screens were both handy and contained some nuggets of nice humor once in a while. I like the idea of the electronic timetable, perhaps next year things will be even better. Just like the EFTv BBF did... took a year but it works like a charm :)
Hope we'll see the info screens return in the Maritim Hotel next year!

Hi everyone

I'll go and take the blame for the screen-thingie. There are several reasons for it was the way it was. We had a complete working system out of three screens. One of them was desiged to be accessable by every staff member to display changes just in time. And two more plasmas just for all-day-updates. Then murphy showed up. One Screen was not available, the second was needed on stage, the host system went FUBAR onsite and so we assembled some html-java based systems together to, at least, have some announcement system... at 04:00 in the morning.

Some critics are completely right and we're going to improve it next year.

doco: the red text worked quite fine just because it got allll your attention  ;D

I can just say the same as already known here.

- The font was just too small to ready already if more than some meters awaway.

- On the other side the design was VERY clear and simple, something i don't see very often at cons nowadays.

- The screen changes a bit fast indeed, but for real urgent changes in plans a running ticker would perhaps work better, as long not too much info runs at once.

I already wanted to ask what kind of CMS you were using in the background, but if you just put that together in such a short time, then you have my full respect ! O.o


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