Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Information screens

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--- Quote from: Riffuchs on 02.09.2009, 02:12:03 ---Hi everyone

I'll go and take the blame for the screen-thingie. There are several reasons for it was the way it was. We had a complete working system out of three screens. One of them was desiged to be accessable by every staff member to display changes just in time. And two more plasmas just for all-day-updates. Then murphy showed up. One Screen was not available, the second was needed on stage, the host system went FUBAR onsite and so we assembled some html-java based systems together to, at least, have some announcement system... at 04:00 in the morning.

Some critics are completely right and we're going to improve it next year.

doco: the red text worked quite fine just because it got allll your attention  ;D

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I just keeps amazing me how much dedication goes in to EF. 'It can't be done' doesn't seam to be avaible in our dictionaries.
One way or the other, we all get it done.

We (at least I am) very grateful Riffuchs that you got it to work although you had so much difficulties with the hardware on-site.
I hope next year your carefully planned system will work as expected :-3


The info screen was a good start :)

I would love to see ef17 putting the attendee information system to a new quality ;)

Some ideas:

- A live EF information portal website, mobile readable with live timetable, event information, timetable changes, "The Daily EF"-online version, ...

- Make use of the EF Twitter account live at the con. Twitter Event starts, special information, delays, lost'n'found, warnings,...

- Allow user interaction: post Roomparty announcements, meetup information, con feedback, reviews, picture of the hour, twitter replies... (maybe after reviewed by Con Ops)

- Show these infos on EFprime too

OK, I see, this is going to be a lot of serious work. But maybe some of these points could be realized.


--- Quote from: SibSerag on 07.09.2010, 11:45:23 ---
- Make use of the EF Twitter account live at the con. Twitter Event starts, special information, delays, lost'n'found, warnings,...

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Esp. with most people's Twitter accounts only updating like, every three hours or so because the phones kept bouncing back and forth between the convention WLAN that didn't have enough leases and the mobile network that went like "yeah right, 900 phones in a single cell, heck NO". :D

What about some kind of online calender (ical, xml) that you can synchronize your phone with so you get constantly updated information about your events?


--- Quote from: doco on 07.09.2010, 11:55:37 ---Esp. with most people's Twitter accounts only updating like, every three hours or so because the phones kept bouncing back and forth between the convention WLAN that didn't have enough leases and the mobile network that went like "yeah right, 900 phones in a single cell, heck NO". :D

--- End quote ---

Most people I met had constant inet connection via their gsm provider. And they were quite all running a twitter client.

I had quite anywhere in the hotel about 7.2 M/Bits HSDPA via T-mobile D1. Except the piano bar, the wireless black hole.


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