Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Luggage check list for EF 16?

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Way back when, Alt.Fan.Furry regularly published a big check-list of things to take with you to a convention. While it will be impossible to cover everything for everyone, there should be common items (soap, passport, tickets, soap, map, soap...) and possibly some items that first timers might not thing of. Like poaster tubes, sturdy cardboard boxes to protect conswag on the way home, power strips, etc.

A more general version of the 'introduction to german culture' someone mentioned at the feedback meeting.

If the forum was able to come up with a reasonable list (which would be another topic elsewhere) would eurofurence be able to send it round to everyone one month before the convention?

There is a German version of that list that was posted in the EF LJ community two weeks ago. Just learn German.  ;D

I kind of agree, I had brought my whole spare bed (which I didn't need), but at the other side I didn't bring a lot of other things.
Things like soap and towels you didn't need, but we did need to bring washing cloths (for soaping and cleaning oneself).

Drying towels
One little thing I would like to mention about the towels is the lack of a place to dry them. The posters on the room told us to reuse our towels instead of wasting one for drying and disposing it after that. But we didn't have a drying rack, a line or anything else we can put them on to dry them.


--- Quote from: Fineas on 27.09.2009, 12:16:46 ---Drying towels
One little thing I would like to mention about the towels is the lack of a place to dry them. The posters on the room told us to reuse our towels instead of wasting one for drying and disposing it after that. But we didn't have a drying rack, a line or anything else we can put them on to dry them.

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You sure had a line, well hidden above the bath tub's border. At one end, there was an apperture on the wall to pull out the line. Anyway, that problem is over now, let's see how the situation in the next hotel will be. Keep an eye open for such hidden features!


--- Quote from: ANTIcarrot on 02.09.2009, 01:56:07 ---If the forum was able to come up with a reasonable list (which would be another topic elsewhere) would eurofurence be able to send it round to everyone one month before the convention?

--- End quote ---

If I like the result, I might :) So feel free to start one, and see how the discussion goes.


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