Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Luggage check list for EF 16?

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The past three Eurofurences I've attend there is always these odds and ends that you find out you need during the con. And for some reason we always forget one of those things :P when packing for the next year or con.

Fursuit supplies:
fabric refresher
extra under armour

.o0(Napalm and cows)

Parachute? :P


--- Quote from: Suran on 14.12.2009, 08:15:29 ---.o0(Napalm and cows)

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wait another 5 years ...  ;D

.. but be sure that EF will have some countermeasures to napalm and cows in the Rules of Conduct by then as well as against tidal waves by overflowing toilets. :D



--- Quote from: Jaryic on 15.12.2009, 22:29:07 ---
--- Quote from: Suran on 14.12.2009, 08:15:29 ---.o0(Napalm and cows)

--- End quote ---

wait another 5 years ...  ;D

.. but be sure that EF will have some countermeasures to napalm and cows in the Rules of Conduct by then as well as against tidal waves by overflowing toilets. :D


--- End quote ---

Sounds like Eurofurence 21... I loved that part with poor Cheetah.


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