Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Luggage check list for EF 16?

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--- Quote from: Suran on 14.12.2009, 08:15:29 ---.o0(Napalm and cows)

--- End quote ---

To inform you, there are already cows at EF.  *moos a little*

But still, what I tend to bring;

* Various toiletteries like toothbrush, toothpaste, shaving stuff etc.
* Clothes to last me throughout the con.
* Memory enhancing equipment, like digicam and DV-cam.  Extra memory cards and tapes for those and their chargers.
Keep in mind Germany uses Schuko sockets, which looks like
But don't dispair, converters are easy to get hold of.  Well, plug-wise anyway, but not power.  Your equipment must be able to take 230v at 50Hz.  Most chargers are wide voltage capable, so shouldn't be a problem, but check that out beforehand.

* Some form of valid identification, such as passport and EU-standardised identification card.  Okay, I'm not 100% sure the latter will be valid, even though I think it should suffice as it is a legally valid form of identification within the EU.
* Plushies
* Monies
* Previous years' badges and other decorations. :P
* Myself!
Of course I bring a few other things, but which aren't that necessary, like my laptop, tripod and other items which might be enjoyable during the stay.  But those are just for my own convenience, not a necessity.

Hope this might give a little idea on what might be useful to bring.

* Fursuit
* More Monies for the dealers, art-show, art-aucton and food


--- Quote from: Mooie on 25.12.2009, 11:36:32 ---
* Myself!
--- End quote ---
I'll try to get you into my luggage, then. I hope there are enough of you left for all of us?



--- Quote from: Zefiro on 29.12.2009, 12:29:58 ---I'll try to get you into my luggage, then. I hope there are enough of you left for all of us?


--- End quote ---
Heh, well, not sure everyone would like one of me, though.  But sure, I'll fire up the copying machine.  Should be done by the con. *nods*

Well, to add to the list:

* Pen/pencil and something to write on, alternatively a laptop, PDA or mobile phone, to be able to write contact information for new friends made
* If geeky enough, a spare laptop and other such equipment
* If fursuiter, a fan or two, spare towels, needle and thread for small fixes

Stripe Kazama:
Lollipops, check! *giggle*


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