Well, so, after a week I finally revived ^^°
So, my feedback for the EF is actually very positive

I am very happy about certain things, and of course, some things could be better, but well...its the first time there and I can remember the first time Ringberg and the first time Nürnberg aswell ;3
So, anyway, there are only two little thinsg, I already mentioned to some staff members. Its not that big problem but it would be awesome, if they can be changed next time. The fursuit lounge was really huge compared to last year o.O And for me was everything alright. Only at the last night there was a little thingy. I am a diabetic and the tea/sugar water there, was very sweet. The days before, there was the big normal water bottle, but not on the last night. I already heared, that these water barrels are unreasonable expensive. Maybe its possible for the next year ^^°
Another thing, which was kinda unplannable was, that the fursuit parade was nice, but the little sidestep through the dealersden and the stairs was not the perfect route ^^ And after the regular parade, 50% walked to the front and 50% to the back, where they kept going into the city. I felt a bit lost in the front, till someone told me, they are in the back o.o
So, basically those two things could need a bit improvment but thats it. For the rest of the con...well...only impossible things to mention, like better weather ^^° Or longer for at least 2 weeks...oh and 36 hours a day, so I can get sleep...maybe

So, anyway, thank you very much for the con. And thanks for the awesome and unaffordable work the staff members did! Great job guys :3