Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Parking Discussion

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as just said accidenlty in another post before i saw this thread.
we got to allmost 130€, but since we did not get taht information in time, we couldn't go to the reception.
the 79 including early and late sounded a LOT better tho.
--- Quote from: Thalian on 08.09.2010, 17:50:17 ---
--- Quote from: Tioh on 06.09.2010, 17:19:49 ---Actually, that was not really a discount: 79 Euros is the price for a monthly parking pass, and that's just what you got (although the ticket was limited to the time of the convention). But yes, I hope that everyone knew about this  :P

--- End quote ---
appearently not. and we didn't find any of that information in english anywere ither.
we know perfect swedish, and perfect english. and not a word german.
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I wonder how so many people did not know about this, since it was advertised in this thread:,2186.0.html
I mean going to a new location, it only seems logical to me that you check the travel board about important information regarding your travel?

And even when you walked to the elevators there were signs going:
Parking first hour: 1,50
Every additional hour: 1,00
Day: 18,00
Month: 67,00 (Or something, with an explanation about this offer).

I parked in the City Carree and paid at the desk since the machine wouldn't accept my money. The guy behind the counter made a little discount too and wondered if we would be back last year, since he found the whole ordeal very amusing.


--- Quote from: Tsanawo on 09.09.2010, 11:24:31 ---I wonder how so many people did not know about this, since it was advertised in this thread:,2186.0.html
I mean going to a new location, it only seems logical to me that you check the travel board about important information regarding your travel?

And even when you walked to the elevators there were signs going:
Parking first hour: 1,50
Every additional hour: 1,00
Day: 18,00
Month: 67,00 (Or something, with an explanation about this offer).

I parked in the City Carree and paid at the desk since the machine wouldn't accept my money. The guy behind the counter made a little discount too and wondered if we would be back last year, since he found the whole ordeal very amusing.

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you might wanna try reading that again. nothing about month, or even day for that matter. even less so bout disscounts on exception for 1 of the areas.

edit: ok, /day i just saw, but still nothing bout weekly/monthly. and after bout 16h in a car, u don't have brains enough och energy to start asking questions, then it just fell out of mind. not to add that it was hard enough just to get some personal to even understand even basic english. so as i said, need clearifying, very easy to read signs, in english, not just for me, you can't assume everyone knows german.


--- Quote from: BluePaw on 09.09.2010, 13:40:35 ---you might wanna try reading that again. nothing about month, or even day for that matter. even less so bout disscounts on exception for 1 of the areas.
--- End quote ---

If you don't see the fees posted (but, yes, they are,) how about going to the hotel reception desk and ask before leaving your car in the garage for more than an hour?

Onkel Kage:
I, took parked at the City Carree.  It was 9 Euro per day maximum, and my whole stay was 45 Euro via the ticket machine. 

I do not recall who it was who suggested I park there, but thank you very much for the tip.


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