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Streifen premiere aftermath

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First of all, I want to thank to everyone who bothered to show up in the first place. It's been an awesome happening for me with 100+ ppl in the audience (and with <10 leaving the place before the movie was over). Also thanks to the few ones who actually picked up a DVD. You made my parkingfee bearable and enabled me to hang around in the bar at friday/saturday. Also I want to thank to the ef-staff and... well thanks thanks thanks.

There is one guy in the audience to whom I want to apologize: In the aftermath session he actually pointed out that he liked the more "mysterious" approach in the storytelling and I was kinda short with him. Hey guy, whoever you are, your summonings will be heard. I have no plans to make "panzer o1" a disneyish movie ;)
Further feedback was very kind and reasonable and right in this moment I squeeze the last ideas I gathered into the version that will actually make it to vimeo (that makes the DVD-Version I gave away during the convention a really rare and special item btw).

There is one issue I want to cover here: The way I was searching for poeple willing to take part in the "panzer o1" project. There has been complain about the fact that I was not clearly enough about -what exactly- I need for that movie. Well you are right to complain about that, and I will be clear about it as soon as possible. -Yet- my request was a mere "Hello who wants to help with something like that anyway?", nothing else.
Currently I am fleshing out the rather rough storyline of "panzer o1". Then Ill will draw a storybook/screenwriterthing and (later) cut that into a movie (consisting of drawings) and add several guidetracks.
THEN I will post a "call to arms" here on the eurofurenceforums and my livejournal

Anyway, thanks a lot to everyone who showed up. I hope to see everyone of you again at at the premiere of "panzer o1"... and the next time it will be on the big stage. I promise (have been promised ;)

Kind regards

PS: Go, blender, go!

One thing I wanted to say about the movie, but couldn't:

You managed to have a lot of tension in the movie, it was always exiting and I looked forward for the story going on. Unfortuantly there was nothing, exept the *@°# scene that lost up the tension. So it wasn't a rollercoaster of feelings, it was more of a tense thriller. I hope you get the sound mixing better on the next movie. I liked the way of storytelling and the music together with the pictures.

This movie is for the ones that like long narrations and just a story told by scenes and settings. I was astonished how the story was told, really good and interesting format.

That's all for now.

Well, that's what this forum is for: To tell things that have been untold so far. BTW, wich scene was the *@°# - scene then?

kind regards

Errr... and audiomix is in the work. It will be re-remixed and improved before the movie goes vimeo =)

Ah, glad the movie will be on Vimeo.... I completely missed out on the premiere due to workstuffs at the con.. which is a shame, as I really was curious how it turned out!


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