Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Streifen premiere aftermath

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Pan Hesekiel Shiroi:
Here, here, me, me, me, me, meeeee! I want to lend my voice to the female main character of panzer o1! Don't you dare forgetting that. ;) I'm looking forward to work with you again and I hope I'll find some time to watch Streifen and give you some feedback on it later on. :)

I also wouldn't mind lending my voice, got a microphone and all right here. Or, if needed, I am sure I can organize some native english speakers from around here.

"Streifen" was one of the highlights of EF16. As mentioned before, i can offer modeling, texturing and my voice for helping out at the next project.

i felt it was precisly what it said it was. very raw. could allso call it an uncut diamond witch needs a lot of work put in to it.
but extrealy well made considering that just 1 person has made most of the stuff ALONE, realy well done.

unfortunatly since the planned time was 100min, and went over-time, i had to leave just right after the movie itself was over for the next shedualed item, the fursuit theater. just good that was a bit delayed, since i got stuck and captured by the movie^^

I can also offer my voice (and I did) if you will ever be in need of slavic-accented voice (russian characters would use one). Sadly Im no programmer, nor animator :(

And one other thing. When I spoke with other fur about your idea of using Blender this time, he warned its not a good idea for these reasons:

1.) There is no official technical documentation to the program, and no description to what actually the functions really do.
2.) The programs inability to allow corrections after certain points being passed. For example youre modelling something, and realise youve made a mistake somewhere in the early stages, but cant do anything about it now. The program gives no warning as to where these "points of no return" are.
3.) now quoting him directly "If he tries to learn it from the start all by himself, he will go crazy..."

Well, this is what I remember from speaking with him.

Now onto something different. Once you post the video on vimeo and update your web-page, will you also release the associated art that you used? The drawings, symbols, concept art, etc? It would be great.


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