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Opinion about this years pawpet show

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Rua Whitepaw:
That was what I first expected as well when I went to EF 13. I only knew the funday pawpet show so I was expecting a comedy show. But now I look forward to the pawpet show every time. It's so amazing what they do...

The show was pretty good, like always.
I don't have much to say about the new changes (i.e. the quads), I'm mostly neutral about them.

It's pretty hard for me to judge those shows, as for me nothing can seem to beat Dreamcatchers.
People really have different opinions as well. I didn't like the EF15 one too much, but really did like EF16 one (snake NOM scene was epic).

One strong new point I'd like to point out is the good use of videos in the intermissions and null's box. That was pretty good and we should see more of the same :)

Thanks you again for putting you time and effort in brining us an amazing show, and there's really only one question left to ask...

When will we see a Dreamcatchers DVD available? :P


--- Quote from: Thygrrr on 24.08.2011, 15:22:47 ---We (at least I) were laughing because the shopkeeper was so badass and cool about sacrificing himself.

--- End quote ---

Besides, the laughter started before the shot could be heard (actually, at the last line from the shop keeper), so people at first did not expect (and later, most probably won't have heard) the shot. Esp. as the stage was dark already when it happened.

It was never explicitely stated in the script that he's shot-dead - just the usual "bad guys shoot and miss" at first and then the final sound fx after the lights-out-cue. I personally like to think he survived.

From reading the feedback I get it that it's contradicting request from different sides, some wanting more depth and meaning, others more light-hearted fun and no message. I've got a personal opinion on this, too, but I leave it to our director and script writers to try the balance act to make as much of our audience happy as they can. And for those who dislike some aspects, I hope they could at least enjoy the other parts of the show :)

As for the video intermissions, we're trying to get as much acting live on stage and use pre-recorded audio only when absolutely necessary (not having enough microphones for minor characters is our usual reason). Shifting time played to video aka pre-recordings wouldn't be the same as performing on stage, and ultimately we do not want to create a pawpet-show-movie, but a live show. Also, creating the videos was a lot of effort, and then still some say that they are too short as they don't bridge the full pause. I'm sorry, but for me this would be a reason to go back to audio-only again.

As for the amount of props, indeed it appears that we had not so many and perhaps less sophisticated props this year. We still had quite an amount of props, though most of them weren't those which are on the playrail anymore, but hold / shown by the puppets, e.g. the usb-stick, id-card, pizza boxes, big red buttons, weapons, VR-helmets, sparkling cable, cellphone, stuff in the storage chamber near the security gate, etc.

We nearly doubled our nominal man-power this year, drawing in help from whereever we could and whoever was willing to lend a paw. We had quite some special effects and big stuff to build: five custom and big characters which needed special mechanics (the dragon even electrics) to work, new technical challanges like slanted panels (which are not that easy and also one of the reasons for longer scene breaks), and the whole "Null Box" i.e. a small second stage where Null was played live and which we build from ground up, backdrop and electronics and video. Add to that the usual SFX gimmicks like flickering lanterns from above, the sparkling cable from Null or the magical glow in Voids paws when his memory kicks back in and you might see why we indeed need a full column of conbook-credits-listing and still couldn't build the previous amount of "standard boring props" :)

I personally are VERY HAPPY with this years show, both with the script and our final performance, and I'd like to really THANK YOU for being such a great audience.


Hi everybody,

I'd like to chip in my opinion, too, though most has been said already, but...
This was my first EF, my furst pawpetshow, so I can't compare it to something else. I had no idea what it was about (yeah, pawpets, what can you do with them but make some children cheer, great deal), what was about to come my way, someone mentioned everybody cried 2 years ago, no way bugger.

Fellows, THIS WAS THE MOST F***G AWESOME THING that ever caught me by surprise. Period. My arse may have gotten heavy over the time, but this was way beyond worthwile. I wont get into nitty details, but thank you for enriching my life with this show, this was breathtaking. I'm still fighting back emotions while typing this. I even didn't get all the references and cameos! Null's statement at the end may have been written by either M. Gandhi or M. L. King alike, but no less true. And standing ovations is something I haven't seen for a very long time. Pray do carry on with this. I just hope I don't get too jaded to appreciate all this heart, all this work, all this attention going into this work of art.

Thank you for listening to me and good night



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