In spite of their denials, I would say the creators behind LSD & DOPE are consummate professionals. They just don't get paid.
I've been to professional puppet shows,
including all the shows since EF ni... EF ten. In the non-EF shows you see hands and heads a lot. That's simply what happens when the operators are using something more complex than a sock-puppet. It's a sign of professionalism in my opinion that they even try, not a flaw.
The special effects were amazing this year, and got pretty damn close to the Dreamcatcher level. EF14 wasn't the first time you went all out on the special effects, but it was the irst time you really went off the deap end. It's hard to do a first time a second time, but you've given me renewed confidence that you will one day top it. I also like the way they were spread throughout the show, rather than concentrated at the end. (And not being heavily signposted, sorry, as they kinda were last year.) Especially 'casual' things like the elevator sequence. Not quite that the best effects are the ones you don't notice, but rather the best are the ones that make perfect sense in the context of the story, and enforce suspension of disbelief, rather than damage it.
I also really like the wobbly sets, as they somewhat reminded me of the old days of Doctor Who.
The new characters introduced welcome diversity. (Though I do wonder what a 'macro' Mika puppet would look like...?) I was wondering through then opening act how exactly you were going to shoehorn them into this plot, and while i'm rather glad they didn't play a larger part, you found the absolutely perfect way.
The only thing I would find questionable (not bad, just questionable) this year was a couple of small aspects of the plot. I believe there was a couple of lines about killing people via their ID implants, and hacking everything down to light switches. Unless I misheard that, even with null being more than a little crazy - erm, seriously? And while I appreciate the content of the epiloge (we're currently having some related troubles in the UK) in practice I strongly suspect that the NSA, GCHQ, BND/MAD, Lolsec,
several other large sections of the chinese government, and many others would quickly and effectively, but quietly, break the system before or just after it went live. And the only reason it stood out was because you got so much else of the hacking/security business correct. Simplified, but largely correct.
Oh yes, and the other bad thing about this year: There probably won't be a DVD of it. Again.
Given that Eurofurence eV was involved in some way with Bitter Lake, could you possibly borrow their DVD making expereience for next year's show? Even if you can't do a whole show, you could do a making of, or a blooper real of some kind. Or an interview with the 'actors'? (Hi! My name is [SECRET], and I play Tani, who is the puppet operator for the actress Felicity Uncia, who plays Mica in this year's show [Fill In Blank].
Hang on, this is a real show isn't it? I am getting paid for this...?) You built LSD and DOPE one piece at a time. You can do the DVD the same way.
So, great show, great characters, great effects, great story, and professional presentation. Speaking of which, you currently run a press conference. Even think of inviting along a theater critic, just for fun? Might be interesting to see what they thought...