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Opinion about this years pawpet show

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--- Quote from: Bostitch on 25.08.2011, 15:49:14 ---
To the people who miss the original characters: I can understand how you feel, but there is also a big advantage: It makes the PPS much more accessible to new(er) congoers, who haven't been to every con since the start, and have no clue about all the in-jokes.
(Or: time for a DVD, hint, hint.) ;)

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I think i should write a few words about our old characters as it seems their absence trigger a lot of different discussions and emotional feelings.

We started the PPS at EF6 as an experiment with the goal to entertain a handful of people - 20 to 50 is the amount of visitors the PPS at FC gets. We hoped to attract about that amount and ended up with a room overcrowded by nearly all attendees of that convention (around 170 or so during that time if i remember right). We decided to turn the show into a more storytelling version than rather just playing some jokes and skits. For that first three then (starting with EF9) four Maincharacters came to life (Lori, Mika, Poke and Lionel). Counting the numbers of shows we have done since the characters eveloped, have grown in their characteristics and social connections with others but also inbetween.

The Decision to drop the characters was not a leightweighted one but a very very emotional and long discussed thing. We noticed that the maincharacters where only used for starting a story and as some fillers - the ongoing process of the told story was done by other (non-main) characters. Lately we also noticed that there was no real developement going on with the maincharacters anymore pushing them more and more into a corner. Imagine playing the same character again and again for more than 10 years! For me as a puppet player it gets really boring doing the same role year by year (not that i don't enjoy playing Lionel, but still). So we decided to use this approach to bring some fresh life into the show (and we honored our old characters with the small cameo appearance) which will give us new opportunities by playing new characters, but also will open new doors to other (yet untold) stories.

Please keep this in mind, Lori, Mika, Poke and Lionel are and always will be our first heroes and without them the Pawpetshow wouldn't be where it is today.

Lynard (Lionel / Cornelius and many others)

It was my first Pawpet show, I have no connection to the old characters, so maybe it was easier for me, than for somebody who loved the old characters.

Yes there were some rough spots and that you could see the puppeteers quite often bugged me a little bit in the beginning, but it didn't take me long to completly immerse into the setting and the story.
After only a few minutes Null, Void and all the others were so ... lifelike (and I liked the four legged ones, too). And I liked the setting (cyberpunk is one of my favorite) so that really helped as well. Opposite to some other people especially _because_ of the darker, gloomy setting.
Good work on those video clips too. They not only helped to shorten the time between the scenes and the necessary conversion of the set but it was cool to see the interaction between the characters on the stage and Null in his little booth.

Concerning the scene with the shopkeeper. It's was kinda funny when he acted all "innocent", so I think it's okay that people laughed. But yes, I heard the shot when the scene was fading to black and I was like "ouch". It was kinda tragic but due to the cheering and laughing of the audience a good deal of people might have missed it in the first place. Like somebody said before, it would have worked great on TV but with a live audience things like that can happen.

Overall it has been a phantastic show and I enjoyed it very much. Can't wait for next year's PPS. ^.^

Some pictures I took after the show...

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I think it was really very good done. There are some things which were annoying, though: I have seen many many plays in theatre when I was a child and teen.. at those times not everything was electrified like it is today, and so the intermissions were usually much longer than they are today. When you visit the opera today, you will notice, that set changes will happen without closing the curtains - and that doesn't even take helpers who run across the stage. Today we are used to set changes 'on-the-fly'. So ... what I'd like to say is: there were many many short breaks at the pawpet show, and they lasted very very long. I understand that, and I remember how that was the same at the big stages like theatres, opera-houses - like twenty years ago.

It would be wonderful if you could avoid that by using scenes/sets that can be used for more than only one scene, like nice backround-paintings on big walls or something.

You don't do us a favor with 5-minute-breaks after every scene. It's clear that it has technical reasons, but there are ways to avoid that, like asking some of the great artists to make a real nice background which can be used for more than only one short scene.

Besides that, the story was brilliant, I was very surprised, and I loved the puppets.

The voice actors were great too - only the voice of the younger tiger was a little too silent and shy imho.

Hope to see you all again on stage.



--- Quote from: MartinRJ on 26.08.2011, 08:58:40 ---You don't do us a favor with 5-minute-breaks after every scene. It's clear that it has technical reasons, but there are ways to avoid that, like asking some of the great artists to make a real nice background which can be used for more than only one short scene.
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So, basically your advice is to not change the background at all? And your assumption that the changing of the background is everything we do during the setup times?

If not, could you please elaborate a bit about the "ways to avoid that", going into details about the specific things we're actually doing during those breaks and how we can improve here? I'm surely always willing to listen and learn. Preferably in a way which will still result in everyone being impressed by the variety and details of the show instead of playing with four characters, no props before the same static background for 90min.



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