Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Opinion about this years pawpet show

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Moderator Intervention: I'm sorry, but I felt this thread was about to derail heavily and end up in a fight of accusations, justifications and general smart-assery. I don't think it's a good idea to engage in lengthy discussions about how to "fix" things. We'll do that during the next pawpetshow staff meeting - in person, and in a relaxed atmosphere :) The split-off part of this thread has been archived for future reference - so what has been said there is not lost.

Could you move the house lights next year? It was hard to see the intermission videos in the back half of the room:-

Ta! :)

Personally, I also was a bit unhappy with the audience lights during PPS and also FSGS. Would it be possible to use the "official" lights, or at least something that blinds less?


--- Quote from: yagfox on 27.08.2011, 00:10:40 ---Could you move the house lights next year? It was hard to see the intermission videos in the back half of the room:-
Ta! :)

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: ysegrim on 27.08.2011, 00:41:18 ---Personally, I also was a bit unhappy with the audience lights during PPS and also FSGS. Would it be possible to use the "official" lights, or at least something that blinds less?

--- End quote ---

Realized it myself when it was too late.
Will change that for next year.


My mind gave me just an idea how to make even more work for the whole team ;D

What is your opinion on small feedback sheets to be handed out before the PPS and collected after wards like in Boxes or so.
I thought of really easy ones like
Story A-F
technique A-F
Waiting Time between the stage sets
etc pp.

I think that would make it a bit easier for feedback x3
*hides under a rock to not getting stoned for making "more-work-ideas"


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