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Opinion about this years pawpet show

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Thinking about the intetermission videos, at the moment you tend to play them soon after the curtain is closed, which leaves a long gap before the next scene. Did you considder starting the videos shortly before the stage is rebuilt, so you can open the curtains as the video finishes?

So Old Scene/Gap/Video/New Scene - as opposed to Old/Video/Gap/New.


--- Quote from: ANTIcarrot on 01.09.2011, 02:44:04 ---Thinking about the intetermission videos, at the moment you tend to play them soon after the curtain is closed, which leaves a long gap before the next scene. Did you considder starting the videos shortly before the stage is rebuilt, so you can open the curtains as the video finishes?
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Yes, but that would make the intermissions longer, because I would have to wait for the setup of the scene to finish before playing them in order to know when the crew backstage is ready to open the curtain :) The way we do it now, I can play it during the scene setup - with the disadvantage of the gap you mentioned.


--- Quote from: Cheetah on 30.08.2011, 01:50:21 ---You've got the job! :) I'll give you the script, when it gets finalized one week before the con, and you do the subtitling, okay?

(Finally someone I can make funny faces to, when actors switch around and skip their lines ... sofar, me, the sound effects guy, is the only one who gets totally confused when the cue lines I've been waiting for come early, late, in the wrong order or not at all - if you've ever wondered why so many sound effects are out of synch ... sometimes, actors can be pretty unpredictable :)

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How about direct-to-screen subtitles with a little Monkey sitting behind the curtain, typing the spoken words directly to subtitles xD

The length was very fine.
The breaks too.
Maybe write a word about number and length of the breaks into the description in the con-book. Then people who don't know the show can plan about drinks and restroom-visits. ;) Like "Two 10 minute breaks."

I really liked the elevator.
Null's box was awesome!!! Great work!

I only noticed that there where bullets at all after watching the recording in detail.
The fire fight on the roof looked...strange. One side firing away and the other just standing there, not doing much.

I guess a chinese accent would have been WAY too hard on any of the main characters.
Kazzador's suggestion about a stage-hand a bit away with a microphone for the yelling sounds like it could work to make it sound more like yelling and shouting.
Some minor things like people missing their cue, breathing into their microphone or getting their sentence wrong are probably unavoidable.
Do you do voice-rehersals with Skype or something without everyone having to be on site?
May be a way to get slightly more rehersal time without making the logistic nightmare any larger.
I agree with Dhary about the lack of an ending song.
"Yes, the poor shopkeeper got shot... The sound effects for it played after lights out, tho."
That didn't work out. When the lights go out, people start applauding and you can't hear anything at all for quite a while.
About not having enough and switching mics: I can provide an additional good headset-microphone (wired) if requested. I can bring it to one of the smaller events if someone wants to try it.

I guess everything has been said about dropping the old main characters.
I felt it a bit short of comic relief. Fairlight/Poke had just gotten so good at that in recent years.
The private army could have been made more like the dim "Yes my producer! of cause my producer!" goons.
Maybe let the shopkeeper show more fear. He was so calm that I thought he was replaced by another spy all along.

GREAT SHOW as always. :)
Darker, more political and less emotional then last time. More dramatic. New faces.
I like it! :)


--- Quote from: Suran on 06.09.2011, 11:39:40 ---Maybe write a word about number and length of the breaks into the description in the con-book. Then people who don't know the show can plan about drinks and restroom-visits. ;) Like "Two 10 minute breaks."
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Both overall length (counted in scenes) and act breaks (two breaks) are identical each year, and it's intended to be "one evening show". Although it's good to give furs a chance to visit the restrooms, everyone standing up and having to be re-seated again with more official breaks would ruin the runtime even more.

--- Quote from: Suran on 06.09.2011, 11:39:40 ---Null's box was awesome!!! Great work!
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Thanks :)

--- Quote from: Suran on 06.09.2011, 11:39:40 ---I only noticed that there where bullets at all after watching the recording in detail.
The fire fight on the roof looked...strange. One side firing away and the other just standing there, not doing much.
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We didn't have real bullets in earlier years, so though of it as something which would add to the experience, not rely on it. Though I did hope it would be at least somewhat noticeable.
The issue about the bad guys shooting like crazy but not hitting anyone is basic cartoon physic. Can't argue with physics, can you? ;)

--- Quote from: Suran on 06.09.2011, 11:39:40 ---Kazzador's suggestion about a stage-hand a bit away with a microphone for the yelling sounds like it could work to make it sound more like yelling and shouting.
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We're severly lacking profi-grade equippment here, and one mic receiver failed dead on us in the minutes before the show started. Good we had one as a backup, but we're at full capacity here.
Additionally, there's so much going on backstage which a mic held a bit away would pick up that I don't think this is feasible in a live show.

--- Quote from: Suran on 06.09.2011, 11:39:40 ---Some minor things like people missing their cue, breathing into their microphone or getting their sentence wrong are probably unavoidable.
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Indeed. We're sorry, the limitations of a live show. My own experience was that it went rather smooth this year, which less issues than the years before. Though I didn't watch the recordings (I don't have any), are adrenaline-rushed instead of watching closely in the armchair, and some things which were "wrong" according to the script you can't notice :)

--- Quote from: Suran on 06.09.2011, 11:39:40 ---Do you do voice-rehersals with Skype or something without everyone having to be on site?
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No, we have only the four rehearsals in total. It's hard to make the dates work with everyone anyway, additional sessions would not work. Also we're rehearsing the complete show, not focussing solely on the voice acting part. I do agree that we could improve here, though I'm not sure who can improve how much (e.g. me personally, I'm just not good at English pronounciation, despite some additional training with Eisfuchs), and with so much energy already going into the show I'm afraid that this might not be the topmost priority.

--- Quote from: Suran on 06.09.2011, 11:39:40 ---About not having enough and switching mics: I can provide an additional good headset-microphone (wired) if requested. I can bring it to one of the smaller events if someone wants to try it.
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I'm sure the Stage team would get in contact with you or others if such a need arise, however we really need wireless mics for the show, and those MUST work together and with the rest of the stage equipment AND be available on all rehearsals already, too.

--- Quote from: Suran on 06.09.2011, 11:39:40 ---GREAT SHOW as always. :)
I like it! :)
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Thank you.



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