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Eurofurence 29 — "Space Expedition"
Sep 3 — 6, 2025
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Author Topic: Feedback from EF17  (Read 85651 times)


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Re: Feedback from EF17
« Reply #60 on: 29.08.2011, 15:08:55 »

Unfortunately, one of my favorite events was a big disappointment this year - the fursuit parade at friday.
After the group photo being made, nobody gave instructions what to do next, resulting in a huge pile of fursuiters just standing around in the lobby. After a while, somebody announced that the rain just stopped and the parade would start outside.

Plus, those announcements being made from somewhere else through some kind of speaker were not really audible. Everyone around me was standing there like "what did he just say..?", no one had an idea what to do next. Rain? No rain? Parade? No parade? Ah, the parade, it already started! Let's go! Hurry up!
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Re: Feedback from EF17
« Reply #61 on: 29.08.2011, 15:32:50 »

Okay, so I'm not quoting you. But I took the liberty to turn your feedback into english, because staff members started complaning about severe headaches trying to read two full pages of text with no punctuation. Please do not take to heart and please do not feel the need to quote and tell me how wrong I am about all this. This is here to help in the future of the forum!

Thats cool thankyou


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Re: Feedback from EF17
« Reply #62 on: 29.08.2011, 16:06:49 »

I would like to leave a feedback comment me too.

First of all, this was my first con and, even if I wasn't really prepeared for this, I've enjoyed it and had good time there.

At the moment of the registration I was a bit sceptical about the price for the room, which seemed quite high for me. Changed my mind when I've found out which kind of hotel I ended in. Rooms were good and the fitness area was faboulus, great for a moment of relax after the long and sleepless nights.

I can't give feedbacks about the hotel's kitchen since I've never used their services, but I can say I'm happy with the pianobar, the staff was great there (the place was more enjoyable around 17.00/18.00, and the service was pretty fast too).

The only thing I've noticed and disappointed me was the hig prices for water. a problem that was simply solved by living on tap water from the restrooms (that wasn't just in the hotel, every restaurants around the place had really expensive water, even tap water).

About the organization, I think the staff did a great job, nothing more I can say.
I enjoyed mostly everything, with the pawpet show being the brightest star of the event.
I changed my mind about the panels too, unfortunately I wasn't able to attend all those I was interested in because many were held at the same time, but then realized that there's no time and no room where every 1000+ people would have fit in just to follow a single panel (and the fact that there was nothing on sunday allowed me to visit the Zoo as well :p)

nothing else comes to my mind right now, hope you all enjoyed the time you had there.



Fafnir Kristensen

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Re: Feedback from EF17
« Reply #63 on: 29.08.2011, 16:19:06 »

I wasn’t very impressed with the time it took for the paw pet show to get running and then become late by 2 hours, if not more.

it was late because the sound console fused and someone got hurt trying to fix it in hurry. cant really blame anybody but bad luck.
personally I preferred waiting sited in the room than waiting standing in a crowd in front of the doors.


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Re: Feedback from EF17
« Reply #64 on: 29.08.2011, 16:26:00 »

Plus, those announcements being made from somewhere else through some kind of speaker were not really audible. Everyone around me was standing there like "what did he just say..?", no one had an idea what to do next. Rain? No rain? Parade? No parade? Ah, the parade, it already started! Let's go! Hurry up!

I agree all the announcement done using the megaphone were difficult to understand for people not close to the speaker.
I certainly may have a few difficulties understanding english, but the megaphone was pretty much useless as the sound seems very directional and if the speaker is not directing the megaphone at you, the sound is poorer than someone talking very loudly.
maybe a good way to convey information understandable by most people in the lobby would be to speak from the balcony on the upper floor? (just an idea)


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Re: Feedback from EF17
« Reply #65 on: 29.08.2011, 18:02:26 »

On the last night the last party was the one I was building up for and then I found that the fursuit room had been taken down and in its place was 3 fans. Brilliant! I know you wanted to pack up, but perhaps a note in the conbok at this last event saying "The fursuit room will be very limited because of closing of EF" would have helped me for a start!

I recall the con book schedule did list the fursuit lounge as ending before the "dead dog" dance (same as last year), and having the small area in the lobby with the water and drinks was very welcome this year.

The dances in the week never had enough airflow though them for suiters. I know this as I semi passed out from the heat.

I didn't go in many times, but there were several very powerful fans to the edge of the dancefloor if you needed air, and the amazing fursuit lounge was only a very short walk away.



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Re: Feedback from EF17
« Reply #66 on: 29.08.2011, 18:20:17 »

I've got some full feedback on the way, but I'd just like to say, please do NOT lower the volume of any of the music in the fursuit or BBF dances.  If people find it too loud, they can either not go or wear earplugs.  Don't spoil it for the rest of us.


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Re: Feedback from EF17
« Reply #67 on: 29.08.2011, 18:25:18 »

I've got some full feedback on the way, but I'd just like to say, please do NOT lower the volume of any of the music in the fursuit or BBF dances.  If people find it too loud, they can either not go or wear earplugs.  Don't spoil it for the rest of us.

I'm surprised people were finding it too loud. It seemed an appropriate level for a nightclub environment.


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Re: Feedback from EF17
« Reply #68 on: 29.08.2011, 18:37:01 »

On the last night the last party was the one I was building up for and then I found that the fursuit room had been taken down and in its place was 3 fans. Brilliant! I know you wanted to pack up, but perhaps a note in the conbok at this last event saying "The fursuit room will be very limited because of closing of EF" would have helped me for a start!

Here is what the conbook says:

What else should we do? Send you a personal messenger to your room telling you that the con is over now?

Honestly, the con is officially OVER on sunday noon.
Some of the staff members have to work on monday moning.

There is normally no fursuit lounge at all on that night, and i personally think it was great of our fursuit track manager to put up the mini lounge besides the bar.
He did that on his own and he had to do all the work, so instead of complaining about the size people should thank him for doing this.


Thanks a lot for mentioning it too :)



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Re: Feedback from EF17
« Reply #69 on: 29.08.2011, 19:07:01 »

I don't think that the music was too loud at any point.

I enjoyed EF 17 very much, everyone did a great job, the staff from EF and the hotel was very nice and kind, the workshops were awesome and stunning, I loved every part of the EF. I really enjoyed the art show - it was magnificent!

I'm very thankful that smoking was not allowed, and that the hotel staff had no problem with us depositing our stuff at the reception quite often (and the coffee was great too : -)

It bears repeating and cannot be too highly praised what a great job you all did and how much almost all of us loved it, the convention was at a very high professional level. <3

I have nothing to complain about, and told about what I would like to have improved in another thread already (less intermissions, more moderate water prices, German security, younger host).

EF was one of my personal highlights of the year 2011 and the greatest convention I've ever been at (as was EF 16 in the year before : -).

Thanks so much to everyone of you!



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Re: Feedback from EF17
« Reply #70 on: 29.08.2011, 19:28:34 »

I didn't go in many times, but there were several very powerful fans to the edge of the dancefloor if you needed air, and the amazing fursuit lounge was only a very short walk away.
Yep, this video proofs it:
At some of the dances someone asked me to open the windows of the room to let more fresh air in, but I doubt that this is possible, because of the neighbourhood having a hard time getting sleep with the loud music coming out of the hotel windows. Maybe the air condition of the main stage could be turned up next time?

About the loudness discussion - the loudness at the Kenai dance was perfect for me and nobody seemed to complain about it being too silent. The BBF dance was ok in the beginning, but at some point was just pain in the ear. I talked to BBF about it the next day and he shared my impression, but indicated that he couldn't do anything about it, because somebody else had the control of the master level.
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Re: Feedback from EF17
« Reply #71 on: 29.08.2011, 23:12:36 »

At some of the dances someone asked me to open the windows of the room to let more fresh air in, but I doubt that this is possible, because of the neighbourhood having a hard time getting sleep with the loud music coming out of the hotel windows. Maybe the air condition of the main stage could be turned up next time?

The ventilation system was already at maximum capacity. Opening the windows would have made it worse ... and of course you're absolutely right about the neighbours. That would have gotten us shut down within minutes :)

About the loudness discussion - the loudness at the Kenai dance was perfect for me and nobody seemed to complain about it being too silent. The BBF dance was ok in the beginning, but at some point was just pain in the ear. I talked to BBF about it the next day and he shared my impression, but indicated that he couldn't do anything about it, because somebody else had the control of the master level.

Ear fatigue of audio operators becomes a serious issue at long-running events like these. Maybe we should get ourself a dB-Meter next time, and actually measure the loudness.



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Re: Feedback from EF17
« Reply #72 on: 30.08.2011, 00:06:53 »

Maybe we should get ourself a dB-Meter next time, and actually measure the loudness.
I would very much appreciate this!

Regardless of whether it really got louder and louder with each year or some of us just getting older (with this year I'm also including myself, used ear-plugs for the first time ever at a dance and always enjoed the loudness) , it would be good to know the actual level is measured and thus held rather constant.



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Re: Feedback from EF17
« Reply #73 on: 30.08.2011, 00:14:22 »

Fursuit gameshow : I would love to see more physical fursuit games and less puzzles or dexterity games. Maybe it's impossible because of the limited depth of the stage (because of the PPS setup) ? Could we have the main stage configuration like Enter the Arena for the fursuit gameshow ?

The depth and overall size of the stage is in fact one of our main limitations for the game selection. We also tried to balance in-audience and on-stage games to optimize setup/teardown times and there is only so much non-puzzle games that can take place on that narrow stage... by now all events on there are pretty much set up around the ever growing pawpet stage ;)
We are of course always open for suggestions, but please keep in mind that we have to make sure they work for the show, so please don't be disappointed should your suggestion not make it into the show.

Greetings, Atkelar


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Re: Feedback from EF17
« Reply #74 on: 30.08.2011, 19:50:32 »

The Pawpet stage has last gown in depth. when we went to the Ringberg Hotel.

Since EF13 the depth is constant at 2,5m with the front stage at 4m depth.
Only the width expanded from 6m to 7,5m and the front stage from 10m to 15m (12m between the projection screens) with the move to the Maritim Stage. There is no change in any size parameter, except Playrail height, compared to last year.

Please consult the facts before you let yourself get ruled by assumptions.

There are limitations of the venue we have to work with and that will not change in near future.

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