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Eurofurence Videos

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--- Quote from: CleanerWolf on 27.08.2011, 22:15:37 ---Suran, I would recommend to fix and tweak your stuff first, before announcing it here. I get "This video is private" and "Under construction" messages on every video.  

--- End quote ---

The idea is to get "Under Construction" and an under-construction mouse-over on all menu-links to videos that are not done yet.
Nothing I can do about YouTube blocking already finished and uploaded videos due to musical licensing and GEMA.
"This video is private" should only happen in the few minutes when I put a new video online and update all the links and play-lists accordingly.
The menu is pretty much an experiment of how much DVD-feeling you get using only YouTube.

The final version of the Fursuit Game Show is currently rendering. It will take ages to upload and only then replace the current preview.

Then I'll work on the Paw Pet Show videos, upload them, and replace their Under-Construction -links with links to the finished videos.

Then it will probably take a few month to do the large highlights-of-EF -video.
(The events are relatively easy because they are one linear event each.)

I see no reason to deny people the option of already watching the parts completed now while I work on the later ones.

Edit: Now this is strange. YouTube seems to ignore you selecting multiple videos and making them public. It does work for making them private. Looks like I need to enter each video and select "public" and "save" by hand.

want to finish my videos too?  ;D

The Problem with Youtube, the Gema thing, even when there is NO Gema licenced stuff in it, its possible that it is get blocked, had that with a video that i have taken outside in the City, with no music

Maybe it would be better to upload them somewhere else

Did you try the form you get in their message to appeal?
Skie: I'm rendering a full-length version for Timduru and his site at the moment (in queue after the game show parts 1-9).

yeah, i did, no response...

funny thing, after i reuploaded it there was no problem anymore. Or Party Videos, you even dont understand what for Music it is, but for blocking it is enough. I will try myvideo when that happen again, or megavideo or other ones

I uploaded the semi final versions of the Fursuit Game show video (link to the "DVD-Menu" in the first post).
"semi final" because after uploading I noticed the sound levels to be a bit low.
(Should have checked without the headphones on before I uploaded.)

It's certainly not perfect but I learned a lot while making it.


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