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Small Post for Con Ops!

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Thank you again for all your help!!
You're doing a great job!

Riffuchs <3

Thank! Well, that's what we're here for - helping out. So, you're welcome :)

I'd like to share my favourite quote of the con with everyone. Actually it was made before the con, but the GoH and I constantly repeated it (and it kept amusing us). It was made by Riffuchs:

"Cold fusion takes an hour, the rest we can do right now."  :D

I think that shows not just how busy they are but also the level of dedication. I know I constantly called con ops with huge requests and sometimes they had to be done within a few minutes. Every time they came through, so THANK YOU to everyone in the con ops team (none mentioned, none forgotten).

Well there is no need to say thank you.

It was my pleasure to help you out and i had much fun doing it.

So if i go next year i am more then happy to help out again that year.

Cop Op Blazingstar


--- Quote from: Pinky on 28.08.2011, 14:20:29 ---"Cold fusion takes an hour, the rest we can do right now."  :D

--- End quote ---

I like that slogan. Can we make a nice shirt out of that, maybe with a logo?


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