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Small Post for Con Ops!

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Haha that's a great idea. Riffuchs, I'm hereby passing it on to you, perhaps t-shirts for everyone in con-ops next year?  ;) :) :D

I'm not sure if I would dare put it on the fox his shoulders. The con is over and he is still sorting out 'lost and found' so, it would be nice to get it done without giving staffers more work to do.

I got the time to print them, so what we need is a design, I get the shirts and either a budget or a price con-ops people would like to buy it for.
My preferred color is anything, but black and something dark because we move anything. Dirty, heavy, wet, greasy or on fire doesn't matter.

And I would move this thingy to the staff forum, because we are getting a tad off topic.

It's okay. L&F annoys me a "bit" this year because people keep sending information in fragments on two boards, several mailboxes and IRC. It's like a big puzzle. Takes some hours each day, actually. But I'm not stressed and have time for other things, too :)

Anyways! I'm okay with a T-Shirt. In fact, I like the idea! I would suggest to ask an artist who's good at vector stuff to create an illustration that we can print on the shirt, too. The Details we should discuss on the staff sub-board.


--- Quote from: Riffuchs on 06.09.2011, 01:29:43 ---Bla...

--- End quote ---

Lookit what we did!  ;D  Now yuo guys have t-shirts hehe. Awesome!


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