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Bitter Lake

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--- Quote from: SunWolf on 28.08.2011, 19:52:57 ---I >>TOTALLY<< missed the DVD stand! I would buy the DVD but obviously I was too late, I really missed every opportunity to snatch a copy of it. (Yeah, sometimes I'm really so outta luck...) But at least I could witness the premiere of it.

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The 'DVD stand' was under the pile of people right outside the exit of the main stage. It was pretty hard to miss IMHO. ;)

They will be available soon through an online shop if I've understood EZ correctly, so just be patient :).

They should come available through if I'm not mistaking, this was also the table which sold them the day after the premier in the Dealers Den.

Just a futile thing I noticed but loved a lot; the way the fox tilted his head in some dialogues, this was a subtile yet so very expressional gesture, totally awesome, and foxy too ;)
Apart from that; considering the very limited means they had to make this film the crew did an awesome job.

IT WAS BRILLIANT :) Can't fault it.


--- Quote from: Kamuniak on 29.08.2011, 00:22:07 ---I liked this a lot, something totally new :) A bit violent though, everybody dies.

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Like in most Korean movies i saw...:)


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