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Bitter Lake

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--- Quote from: Cheetah on 25.08.2011, 21:09:19 ---And more sex!

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And more tissues! XD

i'm gonna try to keep it constructive and realistic^^
and for starters i think 45min is way short, and it could have been a lot longer using longer scenes with a lot less fixed cameras and more panning.
and allso with more scenery and time-passing scenes in between. after all, that's what most movies use to fill things up with.

I get the choice of a DSLR, it's cheaper and easier to decide what lens to use, and modern DSLR cameras really are quite good ar shooting film, actual film productions DO use them, and lots of commercials allso seem to prefer them.
but now when you know you really got peoples attention and probably have sold, and most likely is going to sell more (after all, most furries in the fandom will want an original of the first furry movie ever). there might be an interest of getting better stuff^^

very well that the eyes were not moving or blinking, the filming and videoediting didn't make that much of a problem, and some psychotics or stressed out people do not blink all that much (such as assasins and good soldiers). but blinking eyes could make more direct facial closeups, and not needing to use the shadows to make things come alive.

and indeed the sword scenes. if doing more of them, you might want to attend some real sword and fencing lessons to make the actors more smooth and able to do it a lot faster. or make a more realistic choreography with more movements and allso use that to lengthen those scenes and by that the whole movie. there are lots of tools for lengthening a movie.

allso, for killing all the characters off in that pace, not very nice.
a pilot movie as this was. the next one must not even be a "one movie".
most movies today come out with "2" or even "3" after their names, and with your skills, i do not think that sequals would get worse then the first, such as often is the case, but only better and better as you get more practice at it.
so even if this first movie you could have opened up for a possible second movie, and still keep the first as an actuall ending with "it might happen something more after" feeling at the end of it, "what happened with the rest of their lives" is allso good.


--- Quote from: BigBlueFox on 29.08.2011, 02:43:36 ---
--- Quote from: Kamuniak on 29.08.2011, 00:22:07 ---I liked this a lot, something totally new :) A bit violent though, everybody dies.

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They wrote it after watching too much House M.D., but then they got the phrase wrong.

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It's never lupus


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